4 Negative Effects Of Masturbation On A Man

Masturbation entails self-gratification or using one's hand to sexually stimulate the genitals. Most young guys and ladies indulge in this act out of curiosity and some in the bid to hold or satisfy their urge but the truth is that, unlike what science tells us, self-gratification is highly addictive and can easily become a problem for people.

In this article, we are going to have a look at some of the negative effects of excess self-gratification. If you are the type of person who always indulges in self-pleasure, then you need to retrace your steps.

Below are 4 negative effects of masturbation that can happen to a man.

1. It can cause nightfall problems: 

When men ejaculate in their sleep or have wet dreams, they might suffer from nightfall problems. Men who have too much exposure to sexual substances or indulge in self-gratification for much more time can also face nightfall problems which is a major side effect of self-gratification.

2. It can cause social distancing:

According to a psychological study, one of the reasons for men to boycott social gatherings and events can be an addiction to self-gratification. The patient suffering from such addiction loves to stay more at home than going out. He prefers to spend most of his time alone in the room. He also finds excuses to avoid any occasion of public meetings.

3. It can cause low sperm count:

Self-gratification can be a healthy habit if it is done for a limited time in a month. When men or boys are in an excessive habit of doing it, the body’s capacity to build testosterone gets hampered and can be one possible reason for low sperm count.

4. It can cause low self-esteem:

Men who are in the habit of self-gratification more than the optimum times are dealing with their anxiety and depression in their way. These people lose their confidence and are always nervous around people. Self-gratification relaxes them for a while but creates a negative stigma towards themselves.

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