Crocodiles are large semi-aquatic reptiles that live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, America and Australia.
Crocodiles are in the kingdom animal precisely reptilian. Crocodiles are generally large, ponderous, amphibious animals of animals of lizard like appearance. They have very powerful jaws with many conical teeth and short legs with clawed web toes. They have a very unique body form that allows the eye, ears and nostrils to be above the water surface. The tail is long and massive while the skin is thick and plate.
Crocodiles are the largest and heaviest of present day reptiles and they have the strongest bite in the world. There are 23 different species of crocodiles but these are 3 known types of crocodile namely:
- v The Salt Water Crocodile
- v The Nile water Crocodile
- v The American Crocodile
1. The Salt Water Crocodile: Lives 70years and its speed is 24-20km/h.
2. The Nile Water Crocodile: Lives 50-60years and its speed is 30-35km/h.
3. The third most popular and well known specie of crocodiles is the American Crocodile, its specific age is not yet found but its speed is 32km/h.
The Salt water crocodile and Nile crocodile are the largest crocodiles. The Nile crocodile (crocodylus nidoticus) of Africa and Estuarine or salt water crocodile (crocodylus porsus) of Australia, they attain lengths of up to 6 meters (20 feet) and weigh over 1,000kg (about 2,200 pounds).
Many crocodile’s species have been greatly depleted by over hunting for their valuable skins which provide leather for hand bags, shoes, belts and other articles. Local use of crocodiles for meat and medicines is also wide spreads. People living near crocodiles often do like them because they become entangled in fish nets, prey on pets and livestock and occasionally kill people.
A single female typically lays a clutch of between 30 and 60 eggs that incubate for about 80 and 90 days. The temperature of the nest during the period of incubation determines the sex of the hatching crocodiles. Embryo’s around 31-32oc tend to develop into males. To hatch they use a piece of hard skin on their nose called an “egg tooth” to slit the egg shell and poke their nose but she helps eggs having difficulty hatching by squeezing them gently between her jaws before finally eating any dead or infertile eggs remaining.
Hatching usually measure 20-25cm in length and weigh around 60-90grams. The female looks after her young usually for several weeks or months after hatching. They stay in regular contact by using soft chirping calls and the female rushes to their aid if they produce strident distress calls.
99% of baby crocodiles don’t survive their first year. Young crocodiles need to eat meat to grow. Crocodiles grow about 4,000 teeth within a year.
In the wild, crocodiles eat insects, fish, small frogs, lizard, crustaceans and small mammals. Crocodiles are cold blooded they feed mainly on flesh which means they are carnivorous.
Crocodiles like to sun themselves on mud banks. Crocodiles are considered to be largest reptiles and they are also the largest of all predators.
Crocodile indulge in long term sleep during the dry season since there is not enough water and if there is, the water would be hot.
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