is a practice of one man holding another or others under servitude. It is an ignoble
institution practiced all over the world since the existence of mankind.
Everybody wants to be a Lord and no one wants to be a slave, yet it was a
practice that has spanned the existence of man on earth. The tendency for the
strong to dominate the weak, the rich to control the poor underscores the
existence of slavery and sundry servitude. Amongst all enclaves, all races,
peoples, generations or religions, the haves have the have-nots at their beck
and calls.
Within the microcosm of the society,
servitude exists. A typical example is a social peer group system where there
are the high and the low. The high subjects the low to create a distinct level
between the two, notwithstanding they may be age mates existing at one time or
the other in the same and particular vicinity.
Slaves are meant to run errands for
their master, answer calls and speak when called upon to do so. A slave
maintains a particular posture and conducts before his master which failure
attracts one punishment or the other depending on the gravity of the
It is demeaning to wear the toga of a slave
– the bound and the free born cannot operate on the same pedestrian no matter
how defiant he may want to be. Even in a revolution, slave-defiance is seen
odd, even amongst protesting slaves.
In every society, the situation is the
same. Amongst all generations, class is a visible characteristic of human
being. Sociologically speaking, kings, nobles – the highly place have a different
platform while the down-trodden is pegged to the bottom-class where he belongs
to, unapologetically. Even in animal kingdom, some animals standout and in most
cases prey on others. This accounts for the shivers when the hound passes by.
In Africa, as much as in any other race
of the world, facts abound to show stratification in social order called class. There was primordial lordship.
Some were seen as superior to others. Some were royalties – princes and
princesses, while others were their hoers of wood and fetchers of water.
The story of the bondage of the
Israelites in Egypt is clear evidence that one race or individuals from one
time to the other could be subservient, can I say slaves to the other. The same
illustration points to the fact of racial subjugation, nation to nation domination
or enslavement. It also points to the facts that brothers could sell their
brothers as the sons of Jacob did to their brother-Joseph, to the Midianites,
faraway strangers.
There is no doubt that mere phobia can
lead to such dastardly things. Envy could be one of the worst characteristics
of mankind. It is with us, as much as it was with our ancestors. Avarice too,
is as evil as the above mentioned, for which irreconcilable harms have been
recorded, meted out by a brother or from one brother to another.
In Europe, America and any other place,
slavery abound and denying the existence of it is akin to man denying the air
he breaths. If you don’t agree to its existence because you are not a slave,
you agree to its existence for the master or the slaver you are.
Tyranny is the hallmark of slavery,
inhumanity, its signpost while the unfeeling heart, the vehicle that conveys
thresh-floor or site labour. Slavery is evil, enjoyed by the enslaver and
bemoaned by the very slave for he wears the shoe and can tell how and where it
For a master to know how slavery hurts,
I recommend he denies himself food for a whole day, goes out to work either in
the sun or rain as under compulsion until the sun sets or the dusk without pay
or cheerful words. Slavery is savage, yet the companion of the impunity and loathsome
or enemy to the godly. Slave labour is that which is performed without food,
without water but with whip if you are tired and wanted to stretch your neck.
The Israelites made the Egyptian bricks
day in day out under the strict supervision of the Egyptian bond-masters in the
sun, in the rain, round the clock. Slave labour could be likened to two oxen
yoked together in the farm for the purpose of tilling the soil. That’s the equivalence
of the labour the slaves were exacted. Unfortunately, such slave that labored
so much, if his body ached would receive no medical attention and must be
forced to the farm the next day, even if he was at the breaking point or not.
Oxen that threshed the floor were better for they were not totally muzzled, for
the law forbade that “muzzle not the
animal that thresh the floor” - the scripture says. For the slaves, it says
“slaves always obey your masters”.
In another vein, the children of Israel
were captured and taken to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar. They were humiliated
by the day, suffered beyond description and their God mocked. They were
forbidden to worship their God apart from the golden calf made by
Nebuchadnezzar. They were made to go through hardship that would make Egyptian
masters learners in the game of
dehumanizing slave treatment, to the extent that Shedrack, Meshack and
Abednego - three Hebrew men, were thrown into a lake of fire or a burning
furnace which the Egyptian slave master never envisaged or would ever
contemplate, such was the position of slaves as at the time.
In house slavery, domesticated servitude
abound in Europe with Kings and nobles placing excruciating weight of slavery
upon the commoners of their kingdoms. It is not proper to proceed on the topic
– slavery in Europe because it is the subject of our discussion in the next
chapter on Feudalism in Europe.
Permit me to digress to a recent type of
slavery which happened in South Africa called Apartheid. In discussing slavery
in Medieval Europe and other jurisdictions like America, bringing the recent
Apartheid South Africa does not tally but let us sing the ancient and modern
There was a system of slavery in South
Africa which saw the aboriginal black Southern Africa, though in majority,
sweating under the bondage of minority few whites. The modern day governmental
slavery evoked global consternation, which lasted for centuries before the
voices of freedom prevailed. The blacks in South Africa were brutalized and
killed with impunity. It was such that the government machineries were used,
unlike in other jurisdictions where the individually owned slaves were burnt
without their masters being answerable to anybody but to their consciences,
which they never had. The case of South Africa is the slavery system with an admixture
of colonialism which this treatise never applied itself to initially but it is inevitable
to drive home some points that battle to surface and be acknowledge without
such recourse.
A lot were killed and others clamped
into unspecified jail terms. Nelson Madela happened to fall into the group that
was jailed without specified number of years. There was this scenario that a
black man seen close to where black men were forbidden to be, was pursued, caught
and clubbed to death. Every society had one story of enslavement or the other
to tell.
In Asia, there was high level of the
rich enslaving the poor or one race, one group of people or individuals
exacting one type of servitude or the other from another. The class distinction
in some places was to the effect that a certain class of people were denied
suffrage, even if when they were magnanimous permitted to be seen at all. We
heard that all human being were created equal in dignity and right, that everybody is equal before the law, but
for sure not the noble and slave alike.
Slaveholding could be said to be as old
as human society. The slaves had always been around to serve the Lords since
the origin of mankind. The issue of slavery and free born was in the front
burner that even the Holy Bible made many illustrations with it though Christ
said in his teachings that was no difference between the slave and the free born
or between the Jews and the Gentiles. The statement recognizes the fact of the
existence of it though in consolation says everyone is a free born.
The issue sounded placatory but its
genuiness is underscored by the fact it came from Christ with whom everything
is possible. I don’t sound as supporting slavery but preparing the ground to
give it its deserved position as satanic which it actually is.
In Asia, caste system was the order of
the day. Social stratification was well pronounced. Take India for instance
only very few could be termed “free born”. The institution of slavery was such
that only a handful controlled the destiny of others. Majority lived to serve a
few under the mandate of slavery. Majority lived to eat the crumbs from their
master’s table, yet they worked like jackal to produce the very food they were
starved of.
In ancient India, level of poverty was
very high because few rich could not allow the majority come out of their state
of dust licking poverty or penury so that they could not escape servitude. Not
only were individuals enslaved, tribes enslave other tribes and racial
domination was self evident. The ancient tribes of the subcontinent of India
were head and neck into tribal dominance as a so called superior tribe enslaved
the others. It was also well pronounced in both Pakistan and Bangladeshi
constituent’s tribes.
Further up, still in the continent of
Asia, it was said that slavery reached its apogeal recognition as part of the
custom of the people, Japanese sold also their brothers and sisters to Europeans
as kings entered into treaties and traded their citizens for either economic
reasons or to gain protection as suzerainty also became part of their international
Slavery was a major feature of pre and
immediate middle age, not only in Europe but across the world. Slavery in
Russia, Britain, France, Germany, Rome, Spain, Belgium and almost every kingdom
of Europe reached frenzy within the medieval period and belligerency was an
offence a united action must quell.
Before and during the time Christ was
born, slave disobedience was deemed deadly offence. Even disobedience of vassal
kingdom against a suzerain is a front that must not be tolerate. This accounted
for the reason the Jews wanted to setup Jesus Christ when they claimed he was
opposing the authority of Caesar when they claimed he called himself King
instead of Caesar. When he was hanged an epitaph was also hung which read
“Christ, the King of the Jews”.
Slavery – both internal and external was
an evil that existed continue to under different guises, changing its face from
generation to generation, from a civilization to another. As long as human
continues to be human and the quest for an individual, race, tribe or nation
continues to show superior slavery has come to stay, till eternity.
The mad rush for acquisition in the
evolving would worsen the situation foe slavery. One man can acquire the entire
world and mankind would be at his beck and call, to the extent that when a man
would make babies and a family would be decided by another man who makes
himself a Lord. The current birth control policy is a living example. Having
slavery as a treatise in this chapter, it is appropriate to working to have
trade which is another leg of this chapter – slavery and slave trade. Slavery
and slave trade are Siamese twin, one leads to the other and both are as
inseparable as Siamese twin I already called them. Slave trade is the
commercial transaction between two persons and the subject matter of the
transaction is human being as a chattel, merchandise and central factor in the
negotiation. My candid questions is, is there anything like slave trade now or
at any other time? When this topic is raised as an issue, everybody’s mind goes
to Africa whereas Africa was never involved in such ignoble deal with the white
men as he alleged in his propaganda that Africans sold their brothers and
sisters to the white man as slaves. It is now a settled matter that Africa was
invaded and her sons and daughters captured and whisked away into the land of
the white men either in Europe or America.
When slave trade is raised as an issue
the actual meaning of it reflects the transaction between the pirates that
involved African villages especially those on the coastlines, captured and
whisks away their sons and daughters who journeyed weeks and months till they
landed coastal slave fortes in the white man’s land. The slaves kept in slave
houses were moved to the then slave markets for disposal. Some plantations were
also constituted into slave markets where it would be closest to the end user –
slave plantation owners and masters. The transaction between the pirates or
slave merchants as middle men and the plantation owners who were the ultimate
owners and users could be what the exactly termed slave trade. I have always
imagined how such markets – slave markets would work like until I stumbled in
some graphic expressions of the slave markets in London, Liverpool, Lisbon,
Shore of the Caribbean’s, Jamestown, Florida, Virginia slave markets etc. the
scenario reminded me of cattle markets in our present communities, it was
awful, orchid and unbelievable humanity was so abused at a time in the history
of mankind.
Perhaps the scenario was the major
reason God destroyed the world of Noah, which was greater than the inhumanity
of slavery era. He read how in the year 1619 – the first batch of African
slaves were sold to the British immigrants in Jamestown to Kick start the
business of buying and selling of slaves in America but the Jamestown
transaction brought officialdom into the business of slave trade in America
which later was done illegally between the Pirates and plantation owners.
The storey of slave trade though bizarre
got official impetus at this juncture. The Jamestown slave trade in the British
colony of Virginia opened floodgate for England to be flooded with African
slaves which took off in 1640. Prior to this Europe had been making incursions
into Africa, hunting for slaves. The ocean going Spain and Portugal were in the
forefront of it. The issue of the enslavement of Africa and the puerility of slave
markets in Europe and America cannot be over emphasized but let us leave this
for later discussion and touch how Europe and the world were selling themselves
before they suddenly realized that Africans were created to serve the purpose
of doing the chores of the white men, before they realized that they were
equally created in the image and likeness of God and would not abuse one
another which they did not also see in their later enslavement of the black
man; who in their reasoning could not qualify to also be created in the image
and likeness of God. Slavery in Europe had its taproots in the Greek and Roman
cultures. Before and during the medieval period, slavery was normal and legal.
The culture of slavery was as old as mankind and Christ spoke at length against
showing that as believers there was no slave no free born in the sight of God.
He said there were no Jews and no Gentiles, everybody was equal before God. The
followers of Christ were not oblivious of this position; hence the baptized
Christian could not be enslaved. Christianity persistent doused slavery till
close to twilight of serfdom or feudalism.
The Byzantine slave trade in medieval
Europe accounted for the European desire for the ignoble business of buying and
selling of human beings. A careful perusal of slave trading and holistic
assessment of the savagery of Europe and betray their insincerity that Africans
gave them her sons and daughters as if the incidence of invasion and taking
human booty was strange to them. It is on record that the first English man
that brought African slaves in the year 1563 captured his victims with the help
John Hawkins with the help of team and crew member. As John Hawkins made his
first slavery voyage in 1563, he felt the business was sweet and made two more
follow up voyages, in one of which he lost his life. John Hawkins was reputed
ad a notorious criminal and was the earliest English pirate on African shares,
second only to Portuguese and Spaniards.
The above information is on the timing
of external slave hunting vis-Ã -vis the information of slaves from Africa to
England. As mentioned above, invasion of Africa and the removal of her citizens
to Europe by the Portuguese and Spaniards dated from the time immemorial.
Prior to the year 1444 when Christopher
Columbus the French explorer commissioned by the King of Spain to along with
chime the first batch of African slaves to the West Indies, there were some
unnoticeable incursions into Africa for slaves. It had happened for centuries
before the King of Spain conned the pope into official permission for such
slave hunting expeditions in Africa. The shift in interest from the Europeans
enslaving themselves to enslaving Africans was born out of several reasons
amongst which were religious, political, economic and social. The institution
of slavery in Europe was that fueled by very long lasting empires with whose
economies were slave based. The empires of Rome – Western and Central otherwise
called the Holy Roman empire, the Byzantine empire of the Eastern Rome, the
Othman empire were slave based economics and the emergency of religious
renaissance saw the holy catholic church frowning at the institution began the
journey of its bond breakout of slaveholding to free air of self actualizations.
In order to sustain the economy of
Europe which was duodenary as a result of religious factors expressed in the
condemnation of the institution by the Holy Catholic Church, an alternative was
found in Africa hence the mad rush to buy African’s slaves in the very end of
middle age.
The hundred year’s war, the Black Death,
creeping in of capitalist institutes constantly joined to give deadly blows to
European empires and feudalism which was the bedrock of modern slavery
introduced by Emperor Charles I otherwise called Charlemagne the Great of Holy
Roman empire who was significantly crowned by Pope Leox on the Christmas day of
800 – 25th December 800 as the first recognized Emperor of Holy
Roman empire that was composed of West and Central Rome.
There was a kind of free for all rights
for hundred years amongst Kingdoms and empires of Europe of medieval period in
search of slaves as the vassals provided the slave force that sustained the
feudal European economies. Black death was the kind of epidemic that be deviled
Europe of the Feudal dispensation which was a landmark incidence that spelt
doom for medieval Europe that already being battered right left and centre by
such factors enumerated above. Black Death crisscrossed Europe, Asia and North
Africa from 1347 to 1450s. It was the most deadly epidemic, nay, pandemic for
its international outthink. It took about 200 millions lives which stood it out
as the world’s worst health challenge ever witnessed by mankind. The Black
Death reduced the workforce in Europe and was one of the greatest reasons for
the decline of European kingdoms and empires of Europe especially the Roman and
Byzantine empires of middle age.
I have carefully taken time to study the
Black Death pandemic and find out the origin, scope of operation and how it
affected the black man. I discovered that no black man lost his life in this
pandemic that was claimed to kill between seventy five to two hundred million
people and found out that no black man ever lost his life. The question that
kept on recurring in my mind is how was this disease associated with the black
man that it was named the Black Death? My enquiring mind would ask – was this
disease designed by the black man? Did it originate from black Africa of the
black world? How come the coinage? No answer was actually found for why this
plague that destroyed the European could be call the Black Death. A likely
reason could only be found in the fact that anything bad was and still as
associated with the black man. Black sheep, blackmail, black this and black
that. Africa was seen and is still by the white ma as a dark continent, a
continent of diseases and famine yet they scramble for, partitioned and
plundered us both in material and human resources. It was called the Black
Death yet it carefully avoided the enclaves of the black man, choosing whom to
kill and not told whom to spare. It is a Black Death that refused to kill a
single black man as the name implied. This was one of the reasons why
Christianity in Europe did not consider the black man as being created in the
image and likeness of God as the scripture holds out that man was created in
the image and likeness of God; by extension anyone who violates fellow man
violates God.
In the reasoning of ancient European
Christians, God could not mean that the black man was inclusive, especially
when they paint the angels of God as white and the angel of Satan black. Have
you ever seen the portrait of the angel Michael as the dethroned Satan? Could
you see the colour of the Satan white man and the church saw the black man have
the levity with which he was end is still being treated that warranted the
replacement of slavery of fellow citizens with the enslavement of African –
black people which they then standard of morality did not condemn.
Further explanation of system of slavery
that emerged with the emergence of Emperor Charlemagne of the Holy Roman Empire
known as Feudalism. This is a system of administration that put powers in the
hands of the kings at the apex of the ladder with the nobles directly under him
enjoy some levels of autonomy over their different manorial districts. They
were the Lords of the manors who give lands to the peasants for their
agricultural purposes. The economy of the medieval era was agricultural or land
based. The peasants or serfs do the farming on the lands they rented from the
Lords who exact homage, taxes in term of money and products etc from the serfs.
The serfs were in the bottom of the ladder in a feudal system. The knight manor
in a feudal system. A typical manorial districts or a manor comprised of a
castle, a cathedral and the facilities that make up a city like habitat with
residences and large expanse of agrarian land for farming. The serfs – slaves
do the farming while the bishops and priests did the church duties of praying
for and nurturing the souls and spiritual needs of men in the particular manor.
It was the duty of the knights who provide security as soldiers of the manorial
districts. The Lord employed the services of the knights as the need of the
king of soldiers arises to ward off invasion or any sort of attack on the
Serfdom was the gamut of a feudal
system, the serfs were the type of slaves that replaced the age long slaves in
middle age Europe. The word serf was derived from the latin word “servus” which
was translated to mean the same as slave. It had its origin in both Greek and
latin to show the underlying interest of both Greece and Rome in the
institution of slavery. The king was at the top of the ladder and subordinate
only to the Pope and the Holy Roman Empire. Feudalism was a refined slavery
system in medieval Europe after working for their masters – Lords on daily
basics unlike pre-middle age when slaves produce master’s food in empty stomach
themselves. When recourse was made from enslaving fellow Europeans to enslaving
black people, the harsh lining of pre-medieval European slavery resurfaced.
Black man became their beasts of labour. America story was a litmus test when
African enslavement is on the front burner. The story of slavery in America is
a story of glory, sordid and life-stifling experiences. Right from the journey
on the sea to America which could better be described as horrible to the
scorching sum or drench of the various plantations in the Caribbean or United
States of America and even in the European plantations, the story is the same –
breath – taking hardship.
Slave labour houses or plantations was
described by an ex-slave and reformer in one of his emotion laden out bursts
said that slavery in United States, particularly in Virginia was a gateway to
the biblical hell. It was Fredrick Douglass that summed the situation of
slavery as aforesaid. In one of his narratives he bemoaned the beaten he
witnessed as a child of a black slave woman who was already stricken in age by
a white plantation supervisor for no known provocation apart from the fact that
she was not seen at the very spot she was expected to be seen. She may have
stepped an inch away to answer the call of nature. In his tear laden narrative
he said that the aged auntie’s blood splashed the door and other objects nearby
and her wound was never bound after all. The story about the aged slave woman
slave was so pathetic and an unforgettable reminder for slavery in the United
States. A similar situation may account suicide cases amongst slaves. They will
call to mind the incidence the greatest slave mass suicide in human history
described as Igbo landing in black America mythology. The story of Igbo landing
was the story of some slaves of Igbo extraction who took over the vessel that
was taking them to a slave labour site killed and threw the two crew members in
the water and force the vessel to land at Dumber Greek in St. Simon’s Island,
Glyn Georgia. The best story teller would definitely lack words to describe the
situation of slavery in America and the Scenario is better imagined.
Canada was reputed to be the least in
the enslavement of black people but could not be exculpated in the entire crime
of slavery and slave trade. The different is that they enslaved most of their
people unlike the other jurisdictions that believed that white skin is immunity
from 18th and 19th century slavery.
We have dwelt almost extensively on
slavery as a topic of the opening chapter but relating slavery to world
religions and institutions would be a worthy follow up to the previous chapter
on the central theme – slavery and slave trade.
It is obvious
that every religion on the face value preaches sanctity or inviolability of
human person as no one is expected to subjugate another or put human a
situation of servitude. The gushiness of slavery can never be over emphasized
yet generations after generations condemned it in the open and practiced it
when in a position to nail it coffin finally, especially religious
institutions. No religion openly supported slavery, especially Christian
religion but everybody could read how it supported the heinous crime of slavery
tacitly – through action and inaction of the institutions of Christianity.
In this effort
of reviewing impact of religion on the institution of slave in middle age, pre
and post middle age Europe and beyond, it is expedient to mention certain
religions and civilizations that would make worthy case studies. In doing this,
I would limit these treaties to world major religions like Christianity, Islam,
Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism. In doing this also recourse should be had on
the religion less civilizations we should classify as Atheism. We should be
mindful of the fact that the world has all along been polarized between the Theism
and Atheism. The theists behave in the existence of God while the Atheists
don’t. In between the two are those who are not sure whether God exists or not –
known and called the Agnostic.
The above mentioned
could be seen in either Europe or Asian continents. African traditional
religion behaved and still believes in the existence of one supreme God – the
Omnipotent, Omnipresence and Omniscience without whom nothing created was
actually created. This was a race taunted as not being created in the image and
likeness of God by the slave – mongering medieval Christian morality shifted
from enslaving fellow Christians of Europe to the enslavement of Africans –
black men and women of the era. I would start with slavery in Hinduism.
Slavery in Hinduism: Hindus religion
is one of the earliest religions known to mankind. It is a religion that frowns
at violence and inhumanity but slavery thrived under Hinduism. Slave gifts were
accepted by the leaders, yet in letters the religion forbade the institutions.
The institutions of slavery thrive within the Indian Hindu enclave for some
obvious reasons which ranged hostage taking after wars, personal submission as
a result of poverty religious obligation of subservience to superiors, need for
farm and factory hands in an Indian
Hindu society where there was a yawning gap between the rich and the poor. The
idea of slavery in a Hindu Indian society of later years or end of middle age
was reinforced by the introduction of black slaves from Africa by the
Portuguese who also bought Indian slaves and sent to the West Indies and
Hinduism could
not pretend to know slavery for centuries before the arrival of the Portuguese
that bought the first black slaves to the subcontinent of India. Slavery was a
practice indigenous to the early Hindus as Hindus faithful practiced local
slavery thousands of years before the Portuguese brought the first African
slaves to India. Prior to the episode, debts were being settled with slaves as
those who could not redeem their indebtedness submitted themselves for slavery.
War captives were also enslaved orally under the Hindu Indian dispensation. The
poor also willingly submitted themselves to slavery in the houses of the rich
so that they would be taken care of. The bottom line in Hindu religion was that
you should not buy slaves with money but you must accept the gift of slaves and
voluntary submission to enslavement being born to a slave woman made one a
slave and judicial pronouncement. The Hindu belief that a sinner would come
back in his next world to suffer as a part of retributive justice made the
enslave Hindu or his master to behave that the person’s enslavement or
suffering was in obedience to the law of karma which presupposed he must pay in
this whether sins of his or her former life in the past life.
The ancient
Hindu belief and practice made Hindu slaves to see his or her suffering as a
purification process without which he or she must be repeating his journey to
this earth in this ground, slaves were not sympathized with. The unfeeling
disposition of masters of slaves towards them makes a double speak of the non
violent belief towards another in Hinduism.
The idea of
taking slaves of war captives negated this non violent belief ad nothing is as
violent as war itself and capitalizing on such violence to enslave was a
complete vitiation of the main tenet of Hinduism as it relates to the
institution of slavery. Buying slaves and taking hostage of victims of war
which in the main violated the person hood of the slaves slavery, undeniably was
a medieval Hindu practice.
Slavery in Buddhism: Buddhism as an
Indian religion is and was similar to Hinduism as both were conterminous.
People became slaves on the account of their being captured in war, parents
giving out or selling their children in line with the pronouncement of the law
etc admitting the fact of a human being not allowed to sell another human which
Hindu proponents denied. It is trite law under Hinduism as much as in Buddhism
that even parents were legally allowed to sell their children. Denying this
fact is the height of religious hypocrisy which Buddhism exposed as practiced
in ancient India both by Hinduism and Buddhism. Slavery was an integral ancient
Indian Hindu and Buddhist religious enslaves of pre and post medieval period.
A slave master
was at liberty to use his female slave sexually as part of her slave obligation
and the Hindu and Buddhist laws respectively allowed it but present
civilization may have tinkered this practice. The running was one of the most
dastardly religious evils associated with ancient Hindu and Buddhist religious
practices which evil reared its ugly head in other religious practices of the
time. A slave master in this evil practice, if he was a Hindu of Buddhists
risked the chance of being purified in Karma to meet up with the essence of the
practice of not coming back as many times as possible. As Buddha complete his
cycle as the first human to attain such spiritual height, it behaved any
adherent to do good to be purified and complete his life cycle.
For the purpose
of this work, the known difference between Hinduism and Buddhism can be subsumed
in the fact that their slave holding laws are and were the same during the
medieval period that is currently in issue. Any other difference between the two
religions seriously could not be counted here. Buddha successfully founded a
religion whose tenets on slave holding replicated Hindu slavery laws on slavery
and slave holding in ancient India, being originally a Hindu himself.
Slavery in Islam: Islam religions founded by
Prophet Mohammed. It is one of the religions that has root in Abraham, in this
case Ibraham like Judaism and Christianity. It tended to support the
institution of slavery but with a present outlook of a defender of the
oppressed, the deprived and the enslaved. Several portions of the Quran portray
emancipator disposition in favour of the slaves which no doubt shows that
slavery was legal in Islam and the present stand reformations emancipator and
cultivating not hypocritical ad been in some quarters.
The excuse given
by the religions for its sympathy for the institutions and its practitioners was
that it was the way of life of the society in the 7th century when
Islam was founded, showing it neither condemned or abolished it until the
global outcry against the practice between the 18th and 19th
Arab traders
were the Muslims at the centre of slave trade. Considering the position of
Arabs in the religion and what Islam should lose if the Arabs decided to withdraw
from Islam and focus on slave trade and slavery, the leaders of Islam threaded
with caution until the practice received a global condemnation. Pro slave
legislations followed immediately as contained in the respective Muslim law
codes called Fatawa in 1658 and 1707 and continues to evolves such slaves in
Islamic jurisdiction, through market overt, personal submission etc based on
the peculiar circumstance of the enslaved as most slaves were acquired through
hostage taking in wars. Islam is erroneously known as the religion of war while
the practitioners call it a religion of peace. In some cases, hostage taking
could not be ascribed to war but terrorism with ISIS and Boko Haram hostage
taking not because of war but baseless and unprovoked terrorizing – a situation
whereby some youths protest against Western Education in a world that all road
leads to that. The Ottoman Empire, Moors of Berber decent in 711AD. The
conquest of Constantinople by the Ottoman Empire and the conquest of part of
Spain by the Moorish Empire flourished the Muslim or Islamic involvement in
medieval slave trade.
Many Islamic
traders emerged during the Middle Age mostly the Saudi Arabian or the Arabians
ad they were called. The war mongering empires of the Arab world especially the
Ottoman and the Moorish empires fed the Arab traders with slaves who were part
of their booties of war. They led companies and expected took hostages they
sold to Arab slave merchants who shuttled between the Arabian regions, North
Africa, Europe and in some cases Asia. Slavery thrived amongst Islamic
kingdoms, empires and nations before the captors began to become captives at
the point of modern civilizations and technology.
As the
scampering for slaves by the Europeans through the African shores in the South
through the Atlantic, the Arabs were making their incursions through the Sahara
Dessert. While the Europeans capture and export to Europe and America, the
Arabs who invaded through the Sahara Desert took their victims through the
Sahara to the North Africa and later to Saudi Arabia and European slave
markets. It is correct and self evident to assert that while the Trans-Atlantic
European evil mission was going on, with its deadly middle passage, the Arab
slave caravans were moving Northwards through the Sahara Desert to North
Africa, Arabia and Europe, all simultaneously for which ancient black nations
could not fight their assailants enough. It wasn’t that African Kings were so
weak but because their fighting strength was divided and disputed. This was the
story of Islam, slavery and slave trade of the medieval era.
Slavery in Judaism: Judaism, like
most religions could not deny the existence of slavery or its practice. Slavery
seemed inseparable from the religion of Judaism as slavery was part of the block
laying stage. A lot was written or said in Judaism to show its abhorrence of
the practice of man selling a fellow man. Slavery was associated with
inhumanity as humanity was debased when one place another under servitude and
deplorable condition because he was the master and other his slave. From the
foundational stage, this anomaly was not stressed especially when father
Abraham who founded the religion was a slave holder. In the story of Abraham,
his wife Rebecca and Hagar – their slave woman is evidential. What ensued when
Rebecca maltreated and drove her away into the desert without a destination to
suffer speaks volumes of how Judaism which Abraham founded regarded a slave.
The fact that Abraham had compassion on her was not enough. To also show that
it seemed a divine conspiracy God when he asked Abraham to listen to his wife
and throw away Hagar and her son Ishmael not withstanding that the child was
Abrahams own blood. The full story is that when Abraham and his wife Sarah
could not conceive and they were already old, Rebecca told her husband to go
into his maid Hagar so that she could give her (Sarah) a son. This was how
Hagar – the slave woman gave birth to Ishmael. God Himself said He would not
fulfill his covenant of making him father of all nations through fruit of a
slave woman but a son he could call his own – through his own wife. This was
how Ishmael was born through the obedience of Abraham's slave woman, Hagar.
Through no fault of hers yet she was suffered for being a slave woman. At the end
of the day, God actualized his covenant with Abraham and Sarah conceived a very
old age and gave birth to Isaac. Though God later helped Hagar and her son, she
had taken the pang and had drunk the bitter water of a slave.
It could not be
reasoned that God hates the slaves or particularly hated Hagar, but it was so
to demonstrate the respect with which he clothed the institution of marriage
and the need for husbands to obey their wives. It demonstrated the need for spouse
obedience not disregard and diadem to the so called slaves. Each time the
children of God went astray by way of idolatry, God punished them by sending
them into slave in foreign lands, if God used slavery in the hands of enemies
to punish His chosen people, it follows that God knew slavery as evil and
possessing evil mark or stigma. Slavery stigmatizes enslave the present world
where there seems to be liberty, though in most cases as paper tiger to justify
the fact there is yet liberty which had for so long been expected and continues
to be a mirage. There was slavery from the foundation of Judaism and the Jews
hoped and still hope for a messiah.
Slavery in Christianity: Christianity
met slavery as an order of the day from its foundation. The scriptures speak
volumes of slavery in ancient Jewish culture and also report the Israelites as
been enslaved from one time to the other. The children of Israel were in Egypt
under the excruciating weight of slavery. The book of Genesis, precisely
chapter 37 and 39, reports the children of Jacobs as having sold their brothers
out of envy, and when famine hit them they traced him to Egypt where he was
then a governor. They sojourned with him but he died, the Pharaoh who never
knew Joseph enslaved them. The scripture also has it that Abraham was a slaver
himself. The story of Abraham’s (Sarah) maid and slave – Hagar as recorded in
Gen. 16:1-16 and 21:21” an instant case of Abraham’s slaveholding.
Judaism as the
religion founded by Abraham did not frown at it as a taboo rather it advocated
their submissiveness to their masters. Christ the son of God came and abolished
slavery by pronouncing that everybody is equal before his father – no slaves,
no freeborn in the presence of God; neither is there Jews and the Gentiles
according to the scriptures. It was the Jewish understanding that if one was
not a Jew, he was a Gentile. Jews segregated against the non Jews they called
the Gentiles of the time Jesus Christ was born and his mission was a turning
point in the Jews perception of non Jews.
On the Pentecost
day in the Acts of the Apostles, the Holy Spirit descended on the Jews and the
Gentiles alike to confirm the fact that the veil of demarcation had been torn
and the things that used not to happen started happening. The mission of Christ
was to reconcile man to God and provide level playing field humanity. The
scripture clearly stated that we can only be for enslaved to sin and if anyone
believes, he is redeemed from that sin and its bondage and sorrow. From
inception, Christianity abhors slavery, hence the scripture “don’t be equally
yoked with the unbelievers” this scripture shows that unbelief enslaves a man.
It shows that it is the unbelievers that suffer from the yoke of slavery.
The yoked
animals are such like the Oxen that have something that join them on the necks
suck used for farming. Slaves could be likened to such labour and burden
animals not for human beings and believers who were redeemed by the blood of
Jesus Christ. The bible is replete with scriptures that condemn slavery,
especially the repurchased, who were deemed redeemed by the Pascal role of our
Lord Jesus Christ.
The role of
Christianity in medieval Europe vis avis slavery and slave trade left a lot to
be desired as the church seemed veered out of the norms of the religions which
were predicated on bound moral cleavages and inviolability of human person by
another, as it avoided stepping on toes of the practitioners of the ignoble
business of the medieval Europe. Christianity gave an official support to
slavery and slave trade when Pope Gelasius permitted the Jews to import non
Christian’s slaves to Italy when a Jewish friend of the Pope and a Jewish
merchant made such request in 492AD
Also between 6th
and 7th centuries Pope Gregory the Great issued a ban on importing
of slave or keeping slaves in Italy by the Jews who were the major slave
merchants of the time that could move between Christian and Muslim areas
between 9th and 10th centuries. These Jewish merchants
castrated their slaves so that they could sell them at higher prices. The
Vikings avoided Christian slaves as they terrorized Europe for slaves in
keeping with the Papal order against the enslavement of Christians, instead
they concentrated on slaves.
Venice which was
the epicenter of slaves trade equally adhered to the order of non enslavement
of Christians as the Venetian slave merchants crisscross Europe and Aisa. In
keeping with the Christian spirit against the evil trade, Williams the
conqueror of England banned the exportations of slaves from England and limited
the participation of England in slavery.
At about 1240,
Christians held crusades in Muslim states, captured and sold them as slaves in
Marseilles France. Knights of Malta also staged attacks on Muslim settlement,
took them hostages as Port of Malta became notable slave port and centre within
the area of Europe. Pope Benedict XIV also banned the sale of slaves to
Egyptian states in 1741, just as Pope Zacchary banned the sale of Christian
slaves to Muslims from the year 741.
Pascal order to
stop selling slaves to Egypt was repeated in 1317, 1323, 1329, 1338 and 1425.
The repetition of this order shows that they were not obeyed strictly. The
reason for the issuance of the order was that the slaves sold to Egyptian
states might join Egypt in battles against their former Christian masters. The
above was the effort of Christianity to curtail slavery and slave trade in the
medieval Europe. In furtherance of this a group of humanitarians came together
in the spirit of Christianity to fight against slavery and slave trade. They
were called the abolitionist. Another group of Christians also called the
society of friends. They approached Abolitionism radically and were persecuted
in England and most of them relocated to United States of America.
We’ve seen how
Christianity supported slavery and slave trade and how Christianity fought
against slave trade. We’ve also seen how Christianity aided the white man,
especially in Europe to enslave the black man. Christianity could hardly be
exculpated in the conspiracy of the world in colonizing Africa.
conference of 1884 and 1885 and the subsequent treaty saw the black man bearing
further subjugated in form of sharing of Africa amongst European nations for
colonization. Christianity could definitely could not be exculpated from the
evils of slavery and colonizing.
could be said to have done well for humanity except some hiccups here and
there, especially where it condemned the black man. The church was everywhere
fighting slavery and colonialism – in some cases appropriating and re-probating,
doing a double speak on issues that concerned the actual freedom of the black
man from slavery and colonization.
Christianity was
seen prevaricating when the issue of the black man being a part of human beings
that were created in the image and likeness of God. The ancient Christianity,
before and in the 19th century had no answer to that questions, yet
we battle to be counted in heaven. The baptized Christians were later in the
odds to be treated as brethren either pretentiously or in reality; there was a
silvering in the sky.
The claim that
Christianity laid the foundation for the replacement of slavery in Europe of
Europeans with the enslavement of Africans by European slave merchants was
investigated and found to be true. We shall dwell further on this issue to get
down to the nitty-gritty of it to blame whom to blame and defend whom to
defend. The church definitely has an apology to give as much as the entire
world owes the black man reparation for the injustice of slavery, slave trade
and colonialism.
The legislative
details of the involvement of the church in the enslavement of African could be
X-rayed in the forthcoming chapter devoted to the subject matter.
Slavery in the contemporary world: Slavery was said
to have been abolished but careful observation of what is going on in the world
of today shows that there is still slavery with us till today. Though slavery
has been abolished in the entire world through global instruments and
institutions even as they were localized as constitutional issues in different
nations of the world, it presently flourishes to the shame of world leaders and
organizations like United Nations and its organs.
Right from the
year 1833 that it was abolished in British colonies and 1863 that Abraham Lincoln liberated everybody in
United States of America, everyone became a freeborn irrespective of color or
race. Seeing that slavery persists, the countries of the world met to establish
global understanding towards the eradication of slavery in our modern and most
recent societies. Slavery still exists in different forms in our daily
activities which must be stamped out. We see fellow human being in our thoughts
and actions that impact on our immediate societies negatively. Modern day
slavery range from human trafficking, forced labour, servitude, child labour
United Nations
1926 slavery convention defined slavery as “the status or condition of a person
over whom any or all the power of attacking to the right of ownership are
exercised”. The League of Nations 1926 slavery convention was followed up in
1956 of another United Nations slavery convention strictly set out to abolish
slavery and anything that had the toga of it. This was a treaty known as the
United Nations supplementary convention of 1956 aimed at the abolition of
slavery, slave trade, institutions and practices similar to slavery. This was
adopted and signed by the attendee nations.
Amendment to
this convention was done by day way of protocols done at UN headquarters in New
Yoke in 1953 which bases the supplementary slavery convention was arrived at.
United Nations High Commission for Human Rights and Slavery Acts emerged to
handle the issues of slavery and rights abuses. The emerged International
Labour Organizations to guard against forced labour, servitude etc. United
Nations Actions Against Slavery was a follow up. All these United Nations laws
were localized in the constitutions of member states but they face enforcement
problems. The violating individuals, groups and organizations usually evolve
evasive mechanisms which governments grapple with. The issue of Boko Haram and
ISIS are instances where those held hostage helplessly wallow in servitude in
their respective hostage camps. The issue of the young school girls abducted by
members of Boko Haram for years could not be rescued. They were within the
range of thirteen and were forced to become premature mothers. The Chibok girls
definitely have grown into madams and mothers at an age their parents still
pampered and nursed or guarded their virginity.
The girls of
poor backgrounds sent out by their masters and mistresses into prostitution are
another set of slaves. Some were sent overseas for prostitution in the guise of
securing jobs as house helps for them. Children of school age who are on the
road hawking wares present a pitiable sight in our societies.
Modern slavery has different dimensions sometimes with a thin line between them and mere servant or house help. The bottom line is the attitude towards them that denies them the choice to reason otherwise. In some areas in Africa, some are still enslaved to deities. These slaves are seen moving within the groves of the deities while others are left to wander in the deserts in a hermitic lifestyle. In the modern age of civilization, there are sign posts of slavery even amongst the nations of the world that preach against it. In Europe and America, the off springs of the slave masters show that trait while the off springs of the former slaves still have that bitterness which psychologically is a demonstration of the oppressed mentality which the world must address if slavery would be a thing of the past.
There are a lot
of accusations and counter accusations between one religion and the other about
complicities in the evil of slavery and slave trade that developed the world
during and before the middle and afterwards the Renaissance in Europe, America
and the entire world. Mankind witnessed a rat race of a chaotic world. Humanity
kept in a bad shape – a far cry from what the Almighty God created it to be.
The world was beset with a gruesome was against itself. Slavery, slave trade
were the three some of the adversities that recreated the world and the
question has been where did the world go wrong? Answering this question in
relation to obvious anomalies of the ancient and modern world, every ones
attention goes to the hydra- headed issues that revolve around human beings
making fellow human being objectives of trade and world personifying a garden
of love and freedom where the Almighty God placed, located and founded man to
enjoy himself in fullness.
In search of
where we went wrong we came up with the rhetoric like what is happening to our
beautiful world? Is God still hearing our prayers? Rhetoric’s! Yes rhetoric
because we do not need any answer for we know where the issues lie. One that
requires coming out of his problem would definitely eschew prevarications. Do
we pretend not to know when the answers are fastened to our waists belts that
hold our trousers and tightly as my wife’s bra that seems her daily companion
and other appurtenances of her woman quiver that stock her beauty arrows.
The world knows how
it violated itself and definitely be shedding crocodile’s tears if we say we do
not know we presently cry. Mankind violated itself and would not expect all to
be the same again. The world is at a crossroad because those that God placed in
charge of its roped it and left it bear. They were our spiritual leaders and
those we referred as next to God before us. Religious group point accusing
fingers at each other blames upon blames expose their conspiracy or who did
what to rape this world to comatose and beat humanity to stupor.
In my little way
of creating a window into the medieval world where all crimes against humanity
were committed, racial bringandry carried out to the detriment of the black man
whose homesteads were plundered human capital, in sons and daughters that were
whisked away to the white man’s land, irreplaceable. We lost all in human
resources and they came back with colonialism to finish what was left in their
plundering impurity and brazen subjugation.
When I asked
again, accusing fingers pointed at the church and the church leaders in turn
pointed at Islam, Pagans and other religions. In the immediate past chapter, I
tried to see slavery in the perspective of Christianity, Islam, Judaism,
Buddhism and Hinduism. My observation was highly expository leading invariably
to a further investigation on a topic that became the subject of this chapter.
Since the opinion of the church is required. It follows that the activities of
the Popes on the issue of slavery, slave trade and colonization, it behooves us
to have empathy into the wording of the respective bulls by different Popes at
different stages of our societal development. Bulls were used by Popes to
express their views on major issues of human interests. Encyclicals became
additional means of disseminating information by the Papacy. A Papal Bull is defined
as a public decree, letters or charters issued by the Pope. It was called a Bull
because of the leaden seal that was appended to it end of the order for
authority. The document derived from the “bulla” the official seal appended to
the end of the document. The Pope has from one time or the other used Papal
Bulls to direct the affairs of the world through the medieval Europe and
It has been a
common phenomenon to blame the Pope on any sensitive issues of the world,
especially in situations where Christian morality was at stake like the issues
of slavery, slave trade and colonization, which it was argued that the Pope
would have done better to circumvent. As the Popes were being blamed, the
Catholic Church as well was also blamed.
I have always
taken exception to the incessant blame of the Catholic Church or the Pope
whenever the issue of Christian morality is in contention, especially the acts
of the church in medieval Europe when Christianity was intact before the unfortunate
interruption of the body of Christ, against his prayer to his father on the
last supper. We can remember that Christ pleaded with his father to make his
church remain in unity. The interruption, reformation so-called could not
exonerate any Christian from blame in matters that pertain to the early church.
The act of the ancient church, good or bad is a common heritage and not
ascribable to any denomination of Christianity. I am in essence saying that
Christianity would receive a knock or applause if the Papal Bulls we are about
to examine are found wanting or landable.
I am trying in
the organic principles here since the action of the Pope or the action of the
Catholic Church could not be separated from the action of early Christianity
and invariably the action of the body of Christ – the church in eternity. As
the action of the Pope is not different from the action of the Catholic Church,
so is the action of the ancient catholic church not different from the actions
of Christianity only non Christians could be exculpated from the short comings
of the leadership of Christianity – no exculpation for any Christian or
Christian denomination.
Back to basics,
without much digression may I grave the indulgence of the esteemed reader to
join me to beam our search light on some of the Papa Bulls to understand
further the roles of the church – its actions and inactions towards redeeming
mankind from slavery as may be revealed in the Papal Bulls that were the
official opinions of the church within the ancient period of slavery, slave
trade and colonization.
It may be
necessary to touch all the Papal bulls issued by various Pope during the period
in question. It may be absolutely correct to x-ray the Bulls whose contents are
in tandem with the subject matter or central theme of this book which is the
role of the church during slavery, slave trade and colonization.
Papal Bull of
1452 titled Dum Diverses. This was a decree issued by Pope Nicholas V authorizing the king of Portugal Alfonzo to conquer the Saracens
– the Muslims and certain Pagan Africans and consign them to perpetual
servitude. This Bull could be seen as the official authority to the frequent
raiding and carting away of some Africans to Portugal and Spain before this
order. The presence of African slaves in Spain and Portugal was recorded to
span beyond the 14th century but precisely in 1444 some black slaves
were spotted around the Iberian Peninsula.
The first batch of
slaves sent to the Spanish colonies in the West Indies. Pope Nicholas V. was
conned by the king of Portugal in 1452 to issue them the authority to go to
Africa to invade and convert them to Christianity. The Pope jumps at this and
signed an authority to Portugal that would forever remain indelible in the mind
of Africa and Africans was the license that perpetuated them in servitude. The
agony – weeping and wailing as the captured Africans were whisked away across
the Atlantic Ocean to the in known world of slavery was blamable on the Papal
authority of Poe Nicholas V., notwithstanding that the Portuguese pirate had
been poking on the coastal inhabitants of Africa.
Based on this
authority given to Portugal, other European nations joined the evils with their
consciences seared because the order came from the oracle and custodian of
human morality, the Papacy. Because this authority said they would conquer
colonies and enslave, they officially came with their deceitful bride and cross
and at the same time guns and whips. The Papal Bull of 1452 issued by Pope
Nicholas V. was humiliating, depriving and dehumanizing.
Papal Bull of 1493: This bull was
titled bull inter-caterer or bull of donation issued by Pope Alexander VI to
Spain and Portugal to colonize, convert and enslave the Americas. The
permission given to Spain and Portugal emboldened them to commit the mayhem the
committed in the continent of America against the indigenous people of the
continent. This Papal Bull came in the nature of the one issued to Spain in
1452 to wallop Africa. The two Bulls work great harm against the Africans who
were already victims of the former, 1452, were already away from Africa into
slavery in Spain and Portugal, who by virtue of the bull of 1493 were marched
down to the new world. The two bulls, as draconian as they were would not have
come from the bosom that bore the crucifix. They were issued by different Popes
and the black man was the worst for the two. The Papal Bull that deprived the
indigenous Americans their land and right of self determination was
Other European
nations joined the bandwagon and reduced the American continent to theatre of
war. The irony of this white on black toga of slavery saw the same indigenous Americans
who were colonized alongside the black people turned round to prose the second
grade colonists to the Negroes and another was of freedom yet to be fought by
the black man in the hands of the white Americans after the original American
war of independence.
The black man
became the symbol of slavery and became scatter on every face of the earth
virtue of Papal Bulls of 1452 and 1493, issued unapologetically by Pope
Nicholas V and Pope Alexander VI. This unsought was carried out by the church
without batting an eyelid. The black man was scattered all over the world as
the oil bean seeds would scatter by virtue of the Papal Bulls of 1452 and 1493.
Papal Bull of
1455 titled Romanus Pontifex was issued by Pope Nicholas V. it aimed at
affirming his earlier position on slavery as contained in the Bull of 1452. The
Papal Bull of 1455 was Pope Nicholas V’s indignation to the contempt with which
his bill of 1452 was received which was an absolute demonstration of tyranny.
He could not care about what harm his Bull of 1452 caused to the innocent
people in Africa, in defiance of public resentment he issued another Bull three
years – Bull of 1455. After went into untold hardship and servitude on the account
of 1452 and 1455 bull of Pope Nicholas V.
Pope Nicholas V.
is without equivocation one of the most notorious Popes if not elsewhere, in
Africa. The agonies and woes in Africa of today, is to a large extent owed to
Papal Bulls of 1452 and 1455 and to Pope Nicholas V. himself. The implication
is that Africa was not in the contemplation of Christianity even as full humans
to whom mercy of God should also extend to. They said they were to convert and
colonize Africans. Did they think Africa never believed in God? Did they think
that Africa never worship the one and only God the Almighty God? If the Pope
wanted Africa to be converted to Christianity, must it be by way of violence?
Waging war to colonize and convert Africa or enslave her did not make Christianity
friendly and compassionate.
The above is the
implication of Papal Bulls of 1452 and 1455 and even of 1493 that was equally
issued by Pope Alexander VI to colonize, convert and enslave the continent of
America and her peoples. Christ came into the world with an absolute intention
to redeem mankind, but those who came after could not be said to have
appreciated or know about his message of having come for everyone including
Africans – with apology to the original apostles headed by Peter and the remnants
of all later day Christians that worship God in truth and in spirit. There was
no excuse and could never be for the carnage on Africa by the white men ably
permitted by the Papacy. Know that we are now Christians in Africa, what excuse
can Christianity give for the humiliation of our African ancestors by the
church? Subtle diplomacy rather than conquest could be most appropriate to get
Africans to behave. The message of Christ was a good one and could be a good
market if decorum was employed.
Papal Bull of
1494 was issued by Pope Alexander VI dividing the world into two – East and
West. East belonging to Portugal while bestowing the West to Spain. The world
so bad that it was the world of Spain and Portugal in the eye of the Papacy but
Europe as a whole did not take it that way and rushed in what I call the
survival of the fittest.
The world was in
a rat race until League of Nation came in to stem the tide much later. This
continued for centuries this body called League of Nations was born. The church
ruled the world with its choice kingdoms as Papal bull were chinned out as
popes liked. This Bull added insult to injury as far as Africa concerned. For
several centuries the church never cared and never showed regrets for the
devastation meted out to the black man by the Papacy of Pope Nicholas V. for
over six centuries, it was only the sympathy of Pope John Paul II in the year
1985 that Africa ever received from Christianity that violated the black man to
the marrow, insulted his ancestry and never gave a hoot.
Papal Bull of
1537 – The Papal Bull of 1537 was a Bull issued by Pope Paul III titled
Sublimes Deus, disagreeing with the Papal Bull of 1493 known as Papal Bull of
Donation or Bull inter caetera. The Bull of 1537 was a radical but honest
demonstration of true heart of Christ. The Bull that empowered Spain and
Portugal to colonized, convert and enslave the continent of America and the
indigenous people thereof was inhuman, reckless and inexplicable especially as
it emanated from the highest vicarage of Christ or a supposed throne of grace
on earth. The Bull of 1537 aimed at mitigating the injustice of the church
against the Americas and their people.
If Pope Paul III
did not do what he by way of Papal Bull of 1537, the church and the Papal
authority would be seen as bully and savage. A lot of Americans that still
remain this incidence would be referred to this bull. For the purpose of better
understanding it is pertinent to layout the Bull of 1537 in the book for
everyone to see the spirit of sincerity, courage and atonement exhibited by
Pope Paul III as he undertake to do the apology. I will not spend much time
explaining this Bull since it would be there for everyone to see, read and make
deductions – res ipsa loquitun.
All I have to
add is – Pope Paul III wherever you are, may it be well with your soul.
Papal Bull of
excommunication of 1570. This was a Bull issued by Pope Pius V declaring Queen
Elizabeth I of England a heretic. This Bull was titled Regnans in excelsis.
This Bull excommunicated Queen Elizabeth and deprived her of her right to rule.
The then urged faithful and subjects to withdraw loyalty to her as a Queen of
England. The Pope by the Bull mandated her subjects not to accord her any
The Pope also
called for her dethronement many attempts were made on the life of the Queen
from different angle since after the issuance of the Bull. To show how far a
Bull could go, it would surprise anyone to know that the Pope could stay in
Rome and order the unseating of a whole Queen of England.
Papal Bull of
1520 titled Exsurge meaning Arise Oh Lord was issued by Pope X. This Bull was
meant to call Martin Luther to order. By this Pope Leox expected Luther to show
regrets and recant his ninety five theses in which he castigated the Pope and
the Catholic Church, instead he went ahead to burn the copy of the Bull to
insult the Pope further thereby during the entire Catholic world. The Pope and
the entire Catholic Church were infuriated by the action and the Pope issued
him with a decree of excommunication as well as ordering his prosecution. He
went into hiding as the man – hunt thickens up.
Papal Bull of
excommunication 1521 – This is a Papal Bull of excommunication issued against
Martin Luther after he tore a copy of the Papal Bull to defy Pope Leox. This
was a follow up Bull to the Bull of 1520 issued against Martin Luther when he
defied the Bull of 1520, insulting the Pope and the entire Catholic world. This
Bull was titled Bull Luther. Martin Luther went to his grave with the stigma of
the excommunication though the Lutherans – those who believed in his ideology
survived up till today and became the faithful of the Lutheran church or
Papal Bull of
1054 – This was a Papal Bull of excommunication issued by Pope Leox IX against
the Patriarch of the cathedral at Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. This was as a
result of the difference or misunderstanding the Catholic Church in Rome and
the Byzantine Orthodox Church in Constantinople. The misunderstanding grew
wider creating both a leadership problem and difference in understanding of
some belief system. The Orthodox East frequently disagree with the Papal
authority for which the Papal legate or envoy set out on the 16th of
July 1054 during the divine liturgical celebration to serve the Patriarch Michael
straight to the high as the Papal envoy Hubert was disregarded, he went alter
of the cathedral and laid the copy of the Papal Bull excommunicating the
Patriarch of Constantinople Michael Cartularies.
excommunication of 1054 divided Christianity into two – The Roman Catholic
Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church, thereby Polarizing Christianity into
two largest denominations of Christianity.
Papal Bull of
1484 titled Sumirs desiderates issued by Pope Innocent VIII regarding the
prevalent witchcraft of the time. The Pope took it upon himself to lead a war
against activities. He issued the Bull to confirm the existence of witchcraft
and on one occasion sent jury to Germany to prosecute one of the leaders of the
strange practice who was also a Plato man – a believer in the teaching of
Plato, the Greek philosopher.
The Pope went to
the extent of declaring war on cats as he perceived cats were the medium of
witchcraft practice. He particularly hated black cats and wiped them out of
Rom. When Pope Sixtus VIII succeeded him, he reiterated the position against
witchcraft by issuing another Bull to strengthen the Bull of 1484. The Bull was
in full titled Summis desiderates effect buss.
Papal Bull of
1425 issued by Pope Martin V made it abominable for any Christian slave dealer
that sold or dealt with the Muslims and made ban Jews from selling Christians
to Muslims and made them to wear badges for easy identification. Pope Martin
reasoned that Christians slaves sold would later join the army to fight their
former masters. The stipulated excommunication for any Christian slave dealer
who sold slaves to Muslims or to any non Christian slave dealer. The Bull
called it an anathema to sell Christian slaves to Muslim. Anathema is a term
that denotes abomination in catholic lexicon.
Papa Bull of 1234 titled Rachel Suum Videns.
This was a bull by which Pope Gregory the great called for a fresh crusade to
the Holy land. It was repeated in 1239. During this period, the Jews were
selling Christian slaves, especially to non Christians. The Pope was highly
against it and had to fight to stop the practice. The Jews operating under the
permission granted them by Pope Gelasius to come to Rome for their slave trade
within Rome, he also banned Jewish slave holding in Italy especially of
Christians. The Pope reasoned that a Christian was a freeman, and no one could
enslave a freeman.
Papal Bull of
1741 titled Immensa Pastorum Principis. This was a Papal Bull issued by Pope
Benedict XIV to the Bishops in Brazil demanding that the Incans in Brazil and
other dominion should be treated humanely. The Bull condemned slavery in its
Papal Bull of
1434 titled creator Omnuim. This was a Bull issued by Pope Eugene IV based on
complaints and he annulled all Bulls issued before to the Portuguese to conquer
those Islands. By the Bull the Pope set free another Decree the following year
titled Sicut dudum.
The Bull of 1433
excommunicated anyone who enslaved Christians in the Canary Islands. He also
issued another Bull in 1434 forbidding further raids.
The Papal Bull of 1435 – This was another Bull
issued by Pope Eugene IV forbidding the enslavement of local natives of the
Canary Islands who have converted or were converted to Christianity. We have
perused reasonable number of Papal Bulls issued by different Pope at different
times with a view to ascertaining the complicity of the church or Popes in the
heinous crimes of slavery, slave trade and colonialism. This exercise is so
necessary for us to inculpate or exculpate the church in the issues of the
monumental inhumanity that once beset this earth.
So much accusing
fingers were pointed at the church over her action or inaction on a menacing
attitude of the world towards the black man in particular and mankind as a
whole. The evil is already done and this exercise meant to stop a deal that was
carried out, spanning the period of about a thousand years but for us to fully
understand what our ancestors went through in the hands of the white man and
the reaction of our Christian leaders who stood in the position of our God on
earth at that period of the evolution of our Christian living.
The Papal Bulls
volumes of the individual Popes, the church and the entire conscience framework
of the time. We have seen how Christianity through different ecclesiastical
promulgations supports and empowered those who enslaved, colonized and
dehumanized us touch every existence. We also read how they castrated us to
render us echoic so that they could make more money when they sell us. We also
have known the pains of the middle passages the clattering neck chains, the two
hands and legs were chained one to another to curb us.
We’ve heard the
weeping and whiling of our ancestors as their homesteads were invaded and as
they were smoked out as rodents and whisked away to an unknown world. They said
the Popes authorized it and we could not believe it. Behold it turned out to be
true. We found out from this exercise that the very people we could run to for
our protection – our religious leaders were first to give a deadly blow. They
said it was through the authority of Pope we argued it, behold it was true.
A lot of
information and misinformation are now clear to us. To disparage some
authorities, especially Popes we were fed with some untruths that appeared like
truths concerning Christianity, slavery, slave trade and colonialism. We were
told that some Popes were slaveholders and sent out slave hunters to Africa as
partners in the evil business. For the purpose of an unblased reporting, I
carefully investigated and discovered that there were some Papal Bulls that
seemed to support slave, slave trade and colonialism. I also found out that
between Spain, Portugal and some Popes, there seemed a kind of synergy. I also
found out that a Pope once received a gift of slaves from one of the European
kings and a Pope personally purchased some slaves with his money. A Pope also
granted indulgence to some European Kings that were involved in the crusade
against other nations to absolve them of the sin of bloodletting. I also came
across Martin Luthers allegation that Popes were selling indulgence –
collecting money to grant forgiveness of sins. We were told that it was forbidden
for Christians slave dealers not to sell slaves to the Muslims, Muslim states
and Egypt in particular.
High handedness
of the Papacy was also alleged and we could see it in the refusal of the Papacy
to annul the marriage of King Henry of England. To the king that was disallowed
by the Pope to divorce and pick another wife, it was absolute high handedness
but to the Queen whose marriage to the king which was sought to be annealed,
the action of the Pope was divine. Some other kings were against the Popes and
Christianity as we have read and even according to the implications of the
wordings of some of the Papal Bulls we have examined in this chapter.
Can we also
excuse the Papacy on some of the allegations? Some of the allegations as we
could infer from the very instances the accusers acted, were borne out of age
long differences between the Popes and the proponents of Protestantism. When
properly viewed, the allegations were indirect testimonies as the very reasons
given that would inculpate the Papacy eloquently exculpated her.
It is proper for
us to start reeling out the allegations and know which ones nailed the Papacy
or the ones that were plausible and the laudable ones. We must see the two
sides of the coin and dissect properly. Yes, some Popes issued certain bulls at
certain times for the enslavement of Africa, America etc. some Popes issued
Papal Bulls calling for crusades. In honest desire to promote Christianity
permission was issued by some Popes to some nations especially Spain and
Portugal to colonize, convert and enslave. These permissions were taken advantages
of by the colonists and slave hunters. Christianity could as well be promoted
without the use of force and the accompanying dehumanization.
Some Popes also issued some Bulls calling for crusades – holy wars against some nations and peoples with the misconstrued intention that power must meet power, especially as the holy wars were declared against some Islamic nations that were bent on annexing Christian bases in search of slaves. The Popes were of the belief that if Muslims call for Jihad to Islamize Christian enclaves that it was very appropriate for them to call for a crusade to free such Christian enclaves from Muslim enslavement for the Pope Innocent VIII that was accused of receiving one hundred slaves from King Ferdinand VIII king of the Aragons but distributed them to his cardinals and nobles in 1488. He accepted the gift because rejecting it would not be polite enough. He then distributed the slaves to his cardinals and nobles not to have them as slaves but to carter for them as they may be thrown into further Jeopardy if thrown to the street. Pope Zacchary wad accused of purchasing slaves but the true situation is that some slaves merchants were caught in Italy with some Christian slaves against the decree of the Pope and in order to free the slaves, Pope Zacchary paid the slave merchants from Venice the worth of the slave and set them free, which was proper before God and man. He did not buy to own them.
All have sinned
and come short of the glory of God. This holds water with respect to the
seeming global conspiracy over the issues of colonization, enslavement and the
total dehumanization of the black man. An enquiry into this has opened a can of
worms. Some say it is too late for the black man to react but a saying goes in
my local village lexicon that when a man wakes upon his morning. We can say
good morning to our Africa, to be able to start a protest for or on behalf of
our ancient Africa.
All have sinned,
both the religious and the otherwise. The Godly and atheists alike demonstrated
that sermons were unnecessary in their business of slavery, slave trade and
colonization and strongly held the belief that God in His fullness of mercy may
not care so much as long as their so – called miserable black man was
concerned. To them, God was for everyone but not for the black man. The
foregoing accounted for why John Newton, an Anglican clergy man found it proper
to combined his business as clergy with his slave raiding expeditions. That
also accounted for the shifting of man enslaving another in Europe because they
felt they were all created in the image and likeness of God for which they were
equal before God. The unanimously agreed to enslaving Africans instead of white
on white slavery that transverse Europe for ages.
Africans was a better substitute – good before God and before man. That was why
Papal Bulls after Papal Bulls came with the world giving a hoot. That was also
why the Christian reformer and protestant – Martin Luther owned black slavers
too. He owned six slaves as at the time of his agitation for Christian
righteousness in the sixteenth century. That accounted for the unity between
rival religions in Europe and the entire world united in one accord to share
African slaves and African nations amongst themselves.
They told us
that our ancestors were witches and wizards. They told us that they were Pagans
and did not know God. They drew the image of Angel tribunal as he was dealing
with the devil pinned on the ground. The colour of that demon was black and
Angel Michael that was dealing with him with a sword, a white man. They told us
that heaven was for saints and hell for the demon and his agents. The angels
were whites and the demons blacks. The angels must destroy the demons so their
ancestors came with chains and guns and destroyed our ancestors during slavery
and colonization.
They made us in this generation in Africa
that the suffering we go through in Africa was as a result of our ancestral
curses, because of the evils of our ancestors. They tried to turn us against
our roots. They refused to admit that the present famine in Africa was due to
the deprivation of our ancestors suffered in the hands of their ancestor – the
European slave raiders who took away the human and natural resources of Africa.
The beauty of European and American cities was built by the resources from
Africa and more still by the labour f our brothers and sisters they called
slave labour, yet they made us to understand that they did not so well to
bequest us with a legacy of great future. They were economically, emotionally,
socially and physically raped by the very white man that plundered presently
accuse them. They called our ancestors primitive, how better could the people
whose psyche was destroyed by the onslaught of slavery, slave trade and
colonization? From the present now colonialism, we could decipher the mayhem
our ancestors went through or the subjugation that made them not only to lose
self esteem but direction as well.
They did not
tell us that they were not worshipping a true God – the Almighty God in their
own way and according to their traditions. From etymology, we learnt that the
word pagan was used for the Romans by early Christians but history tells us
that Pope Nicholas VI issued a Papal Bull to the Portuguese in 1452 to
colonize, convert and enslave the Africans pagan. Our later deductions, as the
off springs of those who were enslaved and colonized was, if Romans were first
pronounced as Pagans, did it not follow that the Papal Bull to enslave and
colonize the Pagans would first be issued against Rome and not Africa,
especially where the Pope, as the authority issuing those Bulls resided amongst
the Romans that were adjudged the Pagans in the first instance. The instant
position brings to the fore the prevarication of Christianity and the
politicization of the Bulls. Africans were punished for the pagan’s in the
Romans and the ancient Greeks were known for all the known gods and goddesses
known to history and religions are either Greek or Roman gods and goddesses.
Christianity made us observe the days of these gods and goddesses as our
Christian festivals, yet Africa was colonized and enslaved for the purpose of
conversion to those Roman and Greek pagan festivals Christianity ordered our
enslavement in 1452, 1455, 1493 etc.
The principal of
discovery was enshrined in the Papal authority for which it was said that Spain
discovered this, Portugal discovered was it proper to discover an area that was
already in occupation? Those claims of territorial discoveries were based on
the Papal endorsement of the doctrine of discover and own for the purpose of
converting their so – called pagan whereas the real pagans were within their
noses in Rome.
When the rush by
Europeans to come down and colonize Africa heated up, which was termed the
scramble, the European nations were on each other’s throat thereby created an
atmosphere of chaws and arm twisting. To solve this for Europe to enjoy Africa
without own blood, truce was called and the nations of Europe gathered in 1884
and 1885 in Berlin to discuss how best to share Africa without stepping on each
other’s toes and the Berlin conference provided for a sharing formula as they
partitioned us amongst themselves. As difficulties were imminent, the League of
Nations was born to play the role of the umpire that would possess the toga of
neutral or unbiased arbiter.
Before, the blame
was on the church in Rome, shortly it was the political leadership of European
nations that took over the exploitation when it mopped up the remained of
Africa – the mineral resources that the church – controlled Europe could not
harness. They arrived, after the partitioning and allocations by the League of
Nations of Africa. They shared us as if they owned us, against the natural cum
legal rule that no one gives what he choose not have which would have forbidden
Pope Nicholas V and Pope Alexander VI ad they issued the Papal bulls of 1452
and 1492 respectively. It is said – nemoquo dat non havet – you don’t give what
you do not have. This rule questions the integrity of the Popes said to have
authorized Spain and Portugal to exercise territorial ownership rights as they
did during slavery and colonial periods. The above was the Papal error that
cost Africa a lot – a colossal or monumental loss, a situation the black man still
grapples with till date. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
The church sinned;
Europe and the entire world sinned against Africa. Religiously the world have
sinned, economically they also sinned by the emasculation of Africa,
politically colonialism and socially, the world of the white man deprived us
the opportunity of growing at our pace and sphere. They took us away into
slavery. They colonized us and took away our huge natural resources to develop
their places in Europe and America. They also took away our inestimable values
system and short changed it with the bizarre and horrendous lifestyles of their
ancestors that the demons amongst them fearer to uphold. They took away our
religion called us pagans. We joined them in their religions, mostly as
Christians. When they died they were canonized as saints. When we die and exhibit
the same signs that qualify them as saints.
Our graves are
chained, we are exhumed and bodies burnt as demonized. They manifested evil
spirits while the white men’s bodies of similar dispositions made saints and
reverenced. The physical, psychological, social and economic injuries meted out
to the black man by the white man untold and ever debilitating. Their muskets
mounted vessels berthed on our Greeks closest to where they would catch their
preys. Adults and children alike the pirates never spared children between the
ranges of six and above were equally taken as father, mother and the entire
household was emptied.
They cried and
wailed yet ad the hawks never spared the fowls for shouting their weeping and
wailing evoked no sympathy of theirs. They sinned – all sinned and came short
of the glory of God. They work them through the middle passage with its
horrible trappings, to unveil yet another horror on the slave plantations. That
was the horrible situation of the black man in the chains and pains of slavery
and slave trade. They sinned – all, and have some short of the glory of God. At
the plantations or slave houses, the master took the female slaves on sex
spree. To dehumanize them, the not so beautiful females’ slaves were brought
out for their master’s dog as a sort of entertainment. To take the
entertainment by her, they brought the slaves out male and female and order a
sex bout. The scenario accounted for a lot of births at the plantations or
slave houses without ascertainable paternity. They have sinned, all and have
come short of the glory of God.
They worked and
worked very hard but when it was the time for the masters’ entertainment, they
would be brought out bare – I mean the female slaves and taken to the corner of
the plantation for pounding without seeking for consent or approval. Such was
the sordid and dehumanizing situation of the slaves. As the sodomy went on, the
male slaves received whips on their backs to tell them to be baby and pay no
attention to what was going on. The suffering at the plantations could be
better imagined. A dying female would be raped until she breathed her last. No
sympathy, no respect. All you were – a slave and must receive the slave’s
portion. No court would be there to give you a legal right. You were a chattel
and at the disposal of your owner. They heartlessly burn iron on their backs to
brand them, no matter how it pained. All have, indeed sinned and come short of
the glory of God.
They came down
again, not as the pirates that came to capture and whisk away our brothers and
sisters into slavery but as chartered citizens and companies of any of the
European nations and America for purpose of official colonial administrations.
They scattered to different mandate territories and colonies. The writers Igbo
nation belonged to area that metamorphosed into what is presently called
Nigeria, which was one the portions allotted to Britain by League of Nations.
Lord Fredrick Laggard wore the captain’s band as the Governor General of
Nigeria which came into being in 1914 after the amalgamation of Northern and
Southern protectorates.
Tubman Giddied
headed the royal Niger Company that ruled as a chartered company of Britain. It
was like this in Ghana, in Southern Rhodesia, Zambia, and Sierra Leone etc.
where Lilli Rhodes, I am smith Arden Clark etc also wore the captain’s bands as
the Governor’s General, representing their different European countries. They
came lived with us and took our oil and other minerals no longer as thieves
they were but ad owners. They no longer filter but took them as of right. They
milked us and siphoned every to their home countries as our colonists. Britain
held sway in Nigeria lie in many of their colonies while France, Belgium etc
were busy milking their allotted nations as their colonial master. The stories
told of the white invaders when they were afar to a more debilitation when they
came to live with us. Taking all that belonged to us as though they were
theirs. To add insult to injury, they engaged us in doing the packing for them
so that it would be our hands that would rock the cradle for them. Rocking the
cradle in this usage is not of babies but my choice of expression of how the
colonial masters made us use our hands to load their boots in a manner that
demonstrated impurity, in a manner that depicted voicelessness and
subjectivity. Not rocking the cradles as a sign of baby – mother love but as a
sign of master and voiceless subject or cow milked at the discretion of the
owner. They ruled us, just as the overlords in any feudal jurisdiction in
Europe of medieval period. The colonial police dealt with us at a point in time
when we started to frown over the dehumanization meted out to us.
All over Africa,
revolution started building up persistent bullying with defiance and the desire
to die or live with human dignity in the land we called our own. When they
received the signal that the flag of their authority was about to fly at half
marts, they met and agreed that come sense would be deployed to stem the tide,
they began discussion with the local people for an indirect rule system. They
selected some people they made warrant chiefs to replace the traditional rulers
whom they believed were giving them headaches. In selecting them, they went for
the worst elements in the society. The reason was to give Africans their own
brothers who could sting them at the instance colonial masters.
The warrant
chiefs were the notorious men of the society and they went to work on behalf of
the white man against their brothers. They collected taxes and with the help of
the colonial police enforced the white man’s draconian laws maiming and sending
the offenders to jail at will. Such was the evil machination of Britain in her
African colonies; especially other African nations went through their own
ordeals respectively. The decision of the colonial masters to sting us with our
own bad eggs did not deter the people, rather their quest for self
determination increased. The universal Negro convention held in New York in
1920 called for converted effort by the entire black world to emancipate itself
from colonial rules. This was convened by the Jamaica born Negro activist –
Marcus Garvey who could be termed the father of modern day black activism. When
in the New York convention of 1920 founded the association known as the
of nations of Africa and indeed the black world who were still sweating under
the weight of colonization.
This was
happening when Negroes in America had survived the Negro war of independence.
We may be reminded that after the Negroes helped in the America war of
independence that saw United State of America as a free sovereign nation that
the black people were subjected to another round of subjugation in a country
they jointly secured its freedom from Britain in 1776. They girded their lions to
fight again. With the help of the Negro loving and Godly Abraham Lincoln the 16th
president of United States of America, the black man was finally set free in
1863 after the epoch making freedom speech of the old Abe as the Negroes fondly
called him. The whites, who did not like him for setting the black man free,
assassinated him in 1865. All have sinned – they sinned and came short of the
glory of God. Abraham Lincoln went down in history as a martyr for the cause of
the freedom of the black man. It was said by a French philosopher Montesquieu
that the tree of freedom does not grow until watered with the blood of
compatriots. Old Abe died for the tree of the freedom of the black man in
United States of America to grow. Negroes in America and the black men all over
the world owes a lot to Abraham Lincoln. The man died for the black man in
United States of America to have relevance.
Educated African
elites arrived to look the colonialist in the face and asked them to leave us
alone. The European colonists could not resist the insistence of the local
Africans to be left alone. They knew their game was up and decided to plant
hiccups and design impediments that could destroy them if the independence was
granted. They built tribal dichotomies and oligarchies that would worsen
political situations in Africa, such that would make the black man regret the
exit of the white man and his colonial administration. This situation existed
in a post colonial Africa which has been grappled with for ages. They have
sinned – all, and come short of the glory of God.
They told us in
their propaganda that our ancestors practiced witchcraft. They also told us
that our ancestors were cannibals, forgetting that we shall ask ourselves
“whose language has the words” witchcraft and cannibals? The words are English
words and if they – their ancestors never practiced witchcraft or cannibalism,
how did they come about the words in their lexicon? They set us against our
ancestors, working very hard to justify the onslaught on Africa, working very
hard to embellish the inhumanity, they meted out to our forefathers. If cannot
dig deeper to question why because our local adage says “if a child begins to
question what happened to his father, what happened to his father will happen
to him”. This is most correct when the evil man is still alive, strong and
still having the tendency to do more. The evil ancestors of the white man
definitely would have handed over the evil baton to their other evil off
springs and as such the white man’s evil onslaught is not yet averted. In our other
local saying we have this “let no one celebrate having escaped the jail walls
of their world when the white man – the colonists have not gone back to their
land, presupposing that our ancestors lived in perpetual fear of the white
man’s – colonialists unprovoked imprisonment. They built special prisons with
no air or light inlets, they type only meant not for living human beings. Our
lives mattered not to them and many of us – our ancestors worth not, ten to
their one sick dog. We were degraded and humiliated in our ancestors that were
used as guinea pigs in colonial laboratories and our ancestors that were served
to the crocodiles – in the white man’s artificial water front’s that provided
them with the scenery that reminded them of nature and its wonders when the
animal joyously dismember their preys.
The scenario
shows the white man valued animals more than the black man. They called them
pets because they loved the animals, priced them highly for which they were fed
with the bodies of our ancestors. They sinned, all and came short of the glory
of God. They sinned against our ancestors and continue to sin against us in our
current dehumanization.
They called our
ancestors the cave men. They told their children that we live on top of trees
to justify the black monkeys they called us in our ancestors. They lied to
their children about Africa but most have visited and discovered the lies of
early white men – white men with dirty dark minds. They sinned and came short
of the glory of God. The global bodies meant to make life easier for humanity were
at the same time targeted towards hold down of the black man.
Monetary Fund (IMF) World Heart Organization (WHO) world this and world that
were supported to be at the disposal of the nations of the world, yet they are
racist and meant not to allow the black man to grow or come out of his
primordial state. At a point in history the black man said no to all this
rubbish and continues to say so, said into slavery and colonization. He has
personally conquered slavery and banished colonization from his world. There is
no more colonies unless the colonies for himself. Muzzles are for animals and
no more for a human being. Colonies are for the carriers of infectious diseases
and not for a healthy black man. Black and white alike can now be quarantined.
Covid-19 is an example, though was discovered to be a Plandemic and not
pandemic. The beauty of everything is that we can now say to some of these
rubbish and the usual chains would no longer hold us. They still struggle to
make us the worst for pandemic they created by themselves. It is borderless but
less severe in to tropical climates like ours, yet they make us bear the brunt.
They could not call it a black as they did when the medieval Europe was almost
wiped out between 1340 to 1353 and they termed the diseases Black Death to link
it as usual to the black man. They have sinned, all and come short of the glory
of God. It was a global bubonic plague that killed no black man, yet called
Black Death. It was associated with a kind of face mask just like corona virus.
Just like the
Black Death that killed no black man, the world is working hard to align corona
virus to Africa, yet the merciful God – the Almighty God, greatly reduces the
impact on us, save for the nonexistent figures of its victims. I say nonexistent
figures because we still doubt its existence in Africa. We see it as a grand
global political gimmick and economic opportunism. Head or tail, they continue to
be victims and not the black man.
In the formative
stage of the European family, precisely English, the never do-well members of
any family was called the black sheep. Surprisingly the white son of a white
family was named the black sheep, not the white sheep he was supposed to be. He
was a black sheep because he was odd and not doing well. The one doing well was
called the chip of the old block was that disdainful? The chip off the old
block was the son of the family that was the family’s pride against the loath
some black sheep. They also called us black – black devils etc. To disparage
the black man, they came up with new words to boost the English vocabulary;
such words like black mass, black magic, black devil, black demon etc.
It is obvious
that the white man, is from his primordial ooze a hater of the black man if due
consideration is given to the import of the above listed words that eminently
for part of the English lexicon, one would no longer question why the white man
was quick in enslaving and colonizing the black man without a Plata of remorse
or sympathy. They called our ancestors black devils. They also called them
black demons. My simple understanding of a demon or devil, if I would take both
to mean the same is the person or spirit that possesses powers to do mischief.
It follows from the definition that every black man, in this grow page
assessment is evil and could only do evil. The assessment is regrettable.
In the course
finding out more about this assessment of the white man, I came across the
pictorial expression of the demon or devil, it was a picture of a dreadful
unearthly evoking creature with horns and fangs that could frighten the
bravest. It was really unfortunate that a black man the Almighty God created in
his fullness would be so assessed. A black man is neither demonic nor devilish.
It is only a javelined mind of the white man that could be so hateful assesses
a black man as such. In further scornfulness, he called the spirit endowment of
the black man the black magic. They had also called this power black witchcraft
while they possessed the white witchcraft that is deployed for benevolence
while the black witchcraft is for tormenting and executing malice. One thing
did they not know. They did not know that a black man has no magic but God
ordained powers. The black man had neither white or black witchcraft nor any
type of magic but spirit of God in action in line with His promise in Joel
chapter 2 verse 28 and Acts of the Apostles chapter 2 verse 17 – where He said
“I shall come to pass afterwards that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh
and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams,
your young ones see vision. This promise of God is in abundance in Africa and
among the black people which they misconstrued as magic and evil. This is one
of the hidden things that should only be revealed to the chosen people of God
in Africa. The story of the Almighty God has come to stay in Africa to
vindicate the black man. Our men of God go about doing exploits as promised by
God Almighty.
Amongst the
Christians there is this coinage called black mass. Can mass be black? Black
mass is said to be said when an officiating priest wears black during the
saying of mass. This happen in special case to vent the anger of the church.
This practice has projected catholic as evil. I investigated the practice and
found it not to be an official practice of the church but projected by Protestants
and Satanist. I searched for any possible Papal Bull authorizing that but could
not find any. The closest answer to my curiosity was contained in the Papal
Bull of 1452 in which Pope Nicholas V authorized an attack on the Saracens
(Muslims) and the so called African pagans for fetish practices. If Pope
Nicholas punished some people for such he would not authorized such fetishness.
The black mass is said to be said by inverting the crucifix and anything used
in service to invoke satanic powers to unleash attack on would be victims. This
obviously not an official Catholic practice but do not rule out such practice
amongst some priests but ignorantly to show one anger or the other trying to
protect the image of the church which turns out to be more damaging to the
image of the church it was meant to protect. What baffles me is why it could be
called black mass in the first place? Whether it was designed by the Satanists
or the protestants, why must black be associated with it? This is an effort to
disparage further the image of the black man as being evil. Black hate has
reached a crescendo amongst the white men and it is a reason for concern.
In my own view
about the origin of the black mass which the Catholic is being taunted for, is
that could have come about after the forced conversion to the so called pagans
of Africa and the Saracens – Muslims. They would have come with their practices
or injected this to ridicule the religion of Christianity and its Pope that
tended to punish them for worshipping their God their own way. Forced convert
is the worst thing that can happen to any religion for conversion should be on
free volition. This forced conversion took place after the Papal Bull of 1452.
Another forced conversion was done in 1493 when Pope Alexander VI issued
another Papal Bull that forced the indigenous America – Indians to be
colonized, converted and enslaved.
A people who
were converted by enslavement and colonization had no option that to worship as
a forced converts. The Americans and Africa were the places the forced
conversion should take place vide Papal Bull of 1452 and 1493. It is on record
that the first incidence of black mass was performed amongst African Americans
of slavery era and definitely could not be called a catholic practice but the
most honourable thing the Catholic Church could do is to officially abolish it
because it remains a catholic practice whether officially or otherwise. I once
witnessed it in my country when it was evoked against a serving state governor
in response to the allegation that the governor caned a catholic priest which
was later found out to be false but a political gimmick to dislodge the
governor from seat by the political opponents which the church was not aware of
at the time of organizing the black mass.
The image of the
black man must be saved at all costs now. What any other person calls you does
not matter but looking like what that person calls you matters and matters so
much. Black is beautiful we say, may we be beautiful in all ramifications. The
black man may have endured the pains of slavery and colonialism but should reject
the mental enslavement they are currently projecting towards us. Colonialism
may have come and gone and he survived the deadly impact, may we not drown in
the ocean of new colonialism which will seem self - infliction – the wound that
follows one to the grave.
I can hear you
ask – how can the black man survive with the huddles placed on his path to
survival? Huddles are meant to be crossed. Jesse Owen crossed the white man’s
huddles during the 1936 Olympics games before the very eyes of the black hating
Adolf Hitler of Germany. He jumped beyond human expectation and hard a clear
winning. He ran with the speed beyond human comprehension and the judges pranks
could not worth because it was a clear victory. The black man went home with
four gold medals to the astonishment of book makers and racists judges who
could not help but pronounce him a surfer human and great Olympian of all time.
The message of Jesse Owen remains a clear message to all black people that
racism can only gold you down when you have not prepared enough. Every black
man would take home Jesse Owen message of wining four gold medals in summer Olympic
games of 1936 and forced the Guest of Honour, the black hating Adolf Hitler to
leave the Berlin stadium before the end of the day because the black man spoilt
his day.
Let’s do it the Jesse Owen way, let’s jump beyond hurdles and our legs run beyond the judges imagination. Do not wait for the world to recognize you as a black man, exit that recognition. The world that held the ancestors of the black man would still not allow his offspring’s to excel. They have sinned, all and have come short of the glory of God. Free your selves now. You and you only can free yourselves. The time is now. The time to take the bull by the horn. The time to take up the gauntlet and achieve that which seemed impossible for the black man. This is the time for the black man to recover the years the locusts have eaten in their lives. This is our chance, this is our time and the black man is unstoppable by the grace of the Almighty God – the God of the black man that neither sleeps nor slumbers.
Abolitionism is
a movement in late 18th and 19th centuries. It was all
about the effort of some humanists who came together to fight against the
institution of slavery and slave trade in England, Europe, America and the rest
of the world. It was an antislavery agitation that sought to stamp out
servitude and human merchandise. It started as a Christian feeling that man
created in the image and likeness of God was not meant to be treated by another
man as mere chattel, only equated to donkeys and other animals of labour. The
inhumanity of slavery and the excruciating pain thereof kindled the flame of
protests to put a stop to the savage system across the world, particularly in
Europe of middle age, pre and post middle age dispensations too.
society became a very strong movement with committed Christians and
humanitarians leading the way. The leadership of Christianity did not much as
the church seemed bought over the enslaving kings, emperors and Lords of the
period were themselves and slaves whose business interest wrestle with
Prior to the
abolitionist struggles, the Papacy lent it support to slavery through official
permission to Portugal and Spain to colonize, convert and enslave certain
classes of people and races.
The rave of
antislavery surprisingly was spear headed and led by some white men whose
spirits of Christianity led a fountain of kindness that dropped to sweep away
the ugly droppings of the evil practice of slavery and slave trade that beset
the ancient world, and held captive the psyche of those that would have been to
appropriate to order a stop to the madness of the time.
While the church
was busy playing the Christian politics with slavery and slave trade, the
elements found it expedient to bridge the gap, fill the vacuum and hold brief
for the Almighty God whose representatives on earth were busy enjoying the
tango dance with sons of Lucifer they were sent to the world to save humanity
from their grip.
abolitionists were God sent and emergence timeouts and interventionist, holding
the sectaries only God could see. History can agree with me that there was a
time the church abdicated its Christian responsibility and enmeshed itself in
earthly politics that Christ never envisaged when he said that his kingdom was
not of the world and entreated his followers not to be conformed to the world.
Be in the world and not of the world.
So the
humanitarians took over the responsibility and God was with them throughout the
struggle to wrench freedom from the grip and the jaws of the lions, which was
an impossible task, yet accomplished.
The struggle
started in the British parliament with William Wilberforce leading the way.
Outside the British parliament were notable abolitionists like Granville Sharp
Thomas Clarkson, Anthony Benezet, John Brown, Dauda Equano, Frederick Douglas,
Harriet Tubman, Elizabeth Beckley, and the Quakers etc. At the top echidna were
those that paid the supreme price for the abolitionist project like the then
prime minister of British .. Perceval former American president Abraham
Lincoln, John Brown, Gabriel Prosser etc.
I would be
failing in recognizing hard work if I don’t mention Lord Justice Mansfield who
gave the resounding judge in James Somerset vs Stuart that gave freedom to the
black man and set the ball rolling complete abolition of slavery and slave
trade across the world. Mention must also be made of the roles of people like
John Mercer Langston, William Lloyd Garrison, Dr. W.E.B Dubois, Robert Purvis,
Elizabeth freeman, Benyamin Lay.
James Somerset –
the runaway slave boy etc. the roll call of abolitions is endless. I am sorry
not to mention the roles of many abolitionists especially those that lost their
lives unnoticed in the course of abolitionism ad they performed in obscurity.
The irony of
abolitionism is that it was mainly white against white at the beginning, by
this I try to portray the good Godly white men fighting against their evil and
inhuman brothers, before some of freed black people joined. While we cry over
the injustice of the white man, we must remember the benevolence and sacrifices
of other white abolitionist that fought to stamp out slavery especially those
that lost their lives in the war to abolish slavery and slave trade. Having
mentioned some of the names of the abolitionists, it seems proper to me to
highlight their roles in few words so that the readers could agree with me that
they are worth mentioned in a treatise of this nature. Since history will
always remember the heroes past, history will not forget my desires to mention
some evil ones here.
The Roll call:
v Frederick Douglas:
Frederick Douglas was an African American born
into slavery in the year 1818. His parentage was shrouded in mystery, can I
say, uncertain slave that he had a faint idea of his mother from whom he was
wrenched one month or more after he was born. He confessed his mother came to
him secretly at night about five times in her lifetime. The story was that
after his birth, his mother was allowed to nurse him for about one month before
she was transferred to another plantation of the same master, which was the
practice in slave sites or plantations and the younger or newly born child was
left into care of elderly female slave who was weak to participate in slave
chores in the plantation. Such was the agony of the new born Frederick who had
no ascertainable paternity, yet separated from his mother at a time an average
child would enjoy curdling and warmth of the mother’s body and the bonding
breast milk of his mother. He grew up in the agony of slavery and parental
guidance. His mother he knew as Harriet Bailey was one of the young female
victims of rape by the slave masters, just the situation Elizabeth Keckley was
born into.
At a young age
he bottled out of the camp – Lloyd’s farm and escaped into freedom. He joined
abolitionism while engaging in other activities that could improve his life. He
changed his name often to conceal his real identity to avoid nearest and
consequent re-enslavement. He became so famous in both New York and
Massachusetts as the national leader of the abolitionist movement. He was a
writer, an orator, rights activist, social reformer, abolitionist and a states
He was an ally
to great abolitionists like Granville Sharp, Thomas Clarkson, John Brown,
Elizabeth Keckley, Harriet Tubman etc. He wrote several antislavery books some
of which were, Escape from slavery, the slaves, Life and times of Frederick
Douglass etc. His first attempt to escape was in 1833 but could not succeed.
Five years later he succeeded and fled that farm of Lloyd’s House of Bondage in
Talbot country in Maryland. His activism crisscrossed Britain and America. He
died in Washington DC in the year 1895.
v Elizabeth Abeth Freeman
Elizabeth Abeth Freeman was born at
about 1744 in Claverack, New York as a slave girl. She was resold to a man in
Massachusetts who later gave her away to her daughter and husband on the eve of
their marriage. She lived with the family of John and Hannah Ashley in
Massachusetts with her sister Lizzie and an incidence happened when a group of
leaders were in the home of Ashley’s to draft the constitution of their
immediate settlement … and cited the constitution of Massachusetts to the
hearing of Elizabeth, then known as Bet or Mumbet which was a declaration for
human beings and it stuck into her head. Later Bet was maltreated by the wife
of his master – Hannah; she went to court using one of the lawyers that were in
their house for the meeting known as Theodore Sedgwick. She won the case of
Brom and Bet vs Ashley and gained her freedom from slavery as the first black
woman to achieve such a feat in 1781. Her victory laid the foundation for
further slave to win their freedom in Massachusetts supreme judicial courts
afterwards. See also Quock (Kwaku) Walker vs.
She died in December 1892 and buried
at Sedgwick family cemetery in Massachusetts. She adopted freeman as her
surname to suggest her status after the judgment of the America. She was free
and indeed a freeman (free woman) close to the victory of Elizabeth key
Greristered in 1656 only with a slight difference.
v Henry Dundas
Henry Dundas was a member of British House of
Assembly of commons. He was notable for prolonging slavery in British for
fifteen (15) more years when the effort William Wilberforce bent Britain
towards the abolition of slavery and slave trade in Britain and her colonies,
when he treacherously introduced the principle of gradual disengagement which
slave holders brought into to continue their slavery and slave trade. For his
role he was a friend of the slave holders and an enemy of anyone that was
opposed to the evil trade and ugly institution of slavery.
He was born on
28th of April 1742 in Edinburgh, United Kingdom and died on 28th
May 1811 in Edinburgh United Kingdom. He was the first viscount Melville and
called Lord Melville. He was a Scottish advocate and politician. He was a close
ally of the British Prime Minister – William Pitt and the most influential
politician in Scotland Britain with myriads friend war like Prime Minister
William Pitt.
While William
Wilberforce will forever be in the heart of everyone who cares about liberty from
slavery, inhumanity and injustice, his name could not be erased from the black
book of the world for his treachery and inhumanity.
v Philis Wheatley
Philis Wheatley was an African girl of about
eighty years old captured in one of the West African coastal towns by the slave
traders, put in a ship and taken into America just like Olauda Equano. She was
born at about 1753. When she landed into America, she was sold to the Wheatley’s
of Boston, Massachusetts. She had the opportunity of education and attended
Harvard University and had become a known Poet at the age of twenty (20) years.
She was the
first African American woman to write and publish work of poetry. Her poems
were based on religion, slavery and contemporary issue. She was also the third
woman in America to be noted for poetry and published works. Her first
published work that brought her to prominence was published in 1773. She would
have hailed from Igbo land like Olauda Equano – both having the same trait and
historical facts. She died on 5th December 1784 and married John
v Prime Minister – Spencer Receival
He was assassinated
by John Bellingham in 1812 (11th of May) a slave merchant who blamed
his economic situation on the Prime Ministers pronouncement abolishing slavery,
which he behaved put him into debt. He was convicted by a British court and
sentenced to death by hanging.
He was born on
11th November 1762. He was shot at the lobby of the house of common
on 11th 1812. The murder of Prime Minister Spencer Perceival almost
tampered the spirit of abolitionism which he strongly supported but life and
the struggle went on after dastardly act of 1812. Spencer Perceival was one of
the martyrs of abolitionism and would be remembered in the light of John Brown,
Abraham Lincoln etc.
v Anthony Benezet
Anthony Benezet was an America abolitionist born
in France as Antoine Benezet. He was an abolitionist and educator; he held his
activities in Philadelphia, Pennsy Ivania, USA. He founded the organization
called Pennsy Ivania Abolition Society. He was a Quaker, a social reformer, a
teacher and writer. He was born on 31st of January 1713 in Saint Quentin,
France. His family moved from France to England and from England to America in
1731 in Philadelphia. As a teacher, he taught the Quaker’s children, taught
black children and founded a school for them. He was engaged in tutorials.
He had a big
influence on Thomas Clarkson as an associate. He was a Huguenot from protestant
Christian back at birth. He was the leader of Philadelphia antislavery protest
by the Quakers known as Philadelphia Quakers Revolt of 1750that stamped out
slavery in Philadelphia.
Though Quakers
protects against slavery started around 1682 in German town, Pennsylvania and
spread beyond but the 1750 Philadelphia Quakers protest was ground breaking. He
was a member of Society of Friends an association of Quakers that brought
Christian compassion into the slavery war believing that everybody was created
free by God. This reasoning was coming at a time Christianity was fully backing
slavery and slave trade.
v Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman was an ex-slave who was born
into slavery but escaped in 1849. She was an abolitionist who devoted her time
to rescuing slaves. She founded homes – hideouts for slaves she rescued known
as the underground rail road. She rescued several friends, relations and
families from slavery. She was a nurse, a suffragist, a spy, civil rights
activist, civil war scout recruiting black people for the civil war. She worked
hard to achieve that women would also have voting rights like the men. She was
born Araninta Rose in Dorchester country Maryland in March 1822 and died on 10th
of March 1913. She worked for the union army during the civil war as an armed
spy as a mobilizer of Negroes for the government of Lincoln. She was married
and remarried and was survived by a female child who was an adoptive child. She
was the contemporary of Frederick Douglas and several other abolitionists. She
helped John brown to organize a blood attack on the Harpers Ferry.
v William Lloyd Garrison
He was a white
abolitionist. He was a journalist and author of several antislavery books and a
publisher of a newspaper called the Liberation. Garrison was a suffragist. He
was born on 10th December 1805 at Newbury Port Massachusetts USA and
died on 24th May, 1879 in New York USA. He took a remarkable action
of burning the American constitution, alluding that the evil of America started
from the root – the law.
In the very
first edition of his newspaper – The Liberation he remarked – “I do not wish to
think or speak or write in moderation. I am in earnest, I will not equivocate,
I will not excuse, I will not retreat a single inch and I will not be heard. I
will be a harsh as the truth and as compromising ad justice.
Our country is
the world – our country men are mankind with reasonable men, I will reason,
with humane men I will plead but with neither tyrants I will give no quarter,
nor waster arguments where they will certainly be lost. His parents were
English immigrants to US and his father a merchant sailor abandoned his family
when he – William Lloyd Garrison was only three years old. He was a reformer
and social critic. He was a contemporary of Frederick Douglas, Harriet Tubman
mention truth sojourner etc in abolitionism. Sojourner truth was an escaped
slave who escaped with her daughter and died in 1826-8 to recover her son
thereby laying with her for similar suite by slave women.
William Lloyd
Garrison brought his journalistic prowess at the disposal of other antislave
activists and the realm abolitionism in general.
v Bryan Tyson
Bryan Tyson: Anti abolitionism in a book supported
the institution of slavery in both North and South Carolina and mounted a
serious campaign to convince Abraham Lincoln to support the confederacy and
reproof the union that wanted the abolition of slavery. He said it is morally
and religiously right to enslave the black man.
He claimed that it would work great harm to the economy and government
of Abraham Lincoln with huge social implications. He rejected the belief that
God created everybody equal, even with the black man. He was born in 1830 and
died in 1909 in North Carolina USA.
He was a former
Quaker who fell out with the Quakers Association for his negative stand against
the Christian ideals of the society of friends – an association of Quakers
determined to abolish slavery and slave trade institution of slavery in the Southern
States, religiously and Morally considered in connection with our sectional
trouble – Bryan Tyson.
v Lord Mansfield
Lord Mansfield was an English judge of the
Queen’s Bench who gave legal bite to the struggle of some group of people like
William Wilberforce who tirelessly fought to end the institution of slavery in
England. His landmark decision in the case of a runaway slave boy – James
Somerset, set free all black men held under slavery in England. From his
decision the English Parliament through the effort of Wilberforce. The likes of
Granville Sharp, Thomas Clarkson etc in the abolitionist society galvanized
support for Wilberforce as he made the representation on the floor of the
Parliament including the supportive statement of Romily – the British solicitor
General in his recap of the effort of William Wilberforce on the floor of the
Parliament. He would be remembered for a lot of things but mostly for his
antislavery ruling that rocked the boat of slave holding in England, her
colonies and the entire world by extension. He was born in the year 1705 2nd
March and died in 1793 (2nd March 1705 – 1793).
v Olauda Equano
Within this
framework we must admit that there grand fathers of the war against slavery. In
the light of this book we must not fail to mention that there were these who
stood as the patron saints of slave freedom in Britain, America and elsewhere
where there was need to free black man from the damnable servitude fate at a
time exposed him to.
While we mention
William Wilberforce, John Brown (American earliest martyr), Lord Justice
Mansfield, Thomas Clarkson and his brother John, Granville Sharp to mention but
a few. No one could forget the prominent role played by Olauda Equano – an Igbo
boy of eleven years old that survive the terror and hardship of middle passage
into America to become an Iroko tree of black freedom from slavery in United
States of America, Britain and the entire world especially the world of the
black man. He was a native African, captured and sold into slavery at the age
of ten but purchased his freedom in 1766 after working as a sailor with his
British master who was himself a sailor. He was born in about 1745 and lived
all his life as Gustav Vassa as a slave.
He was a writer
abolitionist merchant and sailor. He died in the year 1797 in Middlesex
England. He was sold and resold as a slave boy as soon as he landed in the
Caribbean until he got into the lands of his sailor master from whom he
purchased his freedom.
v John Mercer Langston
He was an
African American abolitionist, politician, Lawyer, educationist, activist, diplomat;
he was the first Dean of the Law School at Howard University. He was born on 14th
December, 1829 in Virginia – United States of America and died on 15th
November, 1897 in Washington DC. He was a member of the American congress. He
authored several freedom books as an anti slavery activist.
v Robert Purvis
He was an African
committed to the abolition of slavery in America. He was born on the 4th
day of August in the year 1810 at Charleston, South Carolina and died on the 15th
day of April 1898 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His mother was an African
American and his father a white European Scottish American father who was a
wealthy cotton merchant. He was a prosperous cotton former himself. He was a
reformer and a radical activist and abolitionist. He was an African American.
v John Brown
John Brown was
an American abolitionist and a martyr. Though a white man, he sacrificed
everything to stop slavery and servitude in the American society of his time
and beyond. He was an abolitionist in the mould of Abraham Lincoln who also sacrificed
his life to see an America of liberty and fairness to all and sundry without
discrimination on the ground of race and station in life.
He approached
abolitionism in a radical and violent style ad he reasoned that the pro slavery
American society would hear only a violent voice against slavery instead of
rhetoric – speech making, petitions and persuasive appeals. He was condemned to
die by hanging by an American court force bloody attack Harriet Tubman on 3rd
December, 1859. He was born on 9th May 1800. Loved the Negroes so
much he relocated family to a Negroes. He was highly religious and believed God
sent him settlement before death.
v Thomas Clarkson
Thomas Clarkson was one of those that led the
war against slave trade and slavery in Britain. He was part of the team that
sponsored the anti slavery bill in the British Parliament. He was an
abolitionist in the ally of Granville Sharp, William Wilberforce etc. He was
born in Wisbeth Island of Ely Cambridge in United Kingdom on 28th of
March 1760 and died on 26th September 1846 at Play ford, United
Kingdom. He studied in Cambridge University amongst other institutions. He was
an elder brother to John Clarkson who also was an abolitionist and both were in
the Abolitionist society with the likes of Wilberforce, Olauda Equano,
Granville Sharp, Frederick Douglas, Harriet Tubman, William Lloyd Garrison John
Brown, Sojouner Truth, Moses Brown, Benjamin Rush, Anthony Bennezzet, Ralph Sanford
Elizabeth Freeman Benjamin Lay etc (17th century abolitionists).
v William Wilberforce
Wilberforce was born in Kingston, upon Hall, Yorkshire Britain. He was born in
the year 1759 (24th August) and died on 29th July 1833 in
London. He was a humanitarian, politician, and philanthropist. He was a leader
of the anti slavery movement in the British Parliament Gen. 21:4 God did not
oppose Abrahams enslavement of his maid and supported him to put away Hagia and
Ishmael. Can slaves be on horsebacks while princes go barefooted? Obedience to
masters in the scripture.
v Elizabeth Keckley
Elizabeth Hobbs Keckley was on the year
February 1818 as a slave in Dinwiddie court house, Dinwiddie, Virginia, United
States. He was a successful seamstress and a close friend of the wife of
Abraham Lincoln – Mary Todds Lincoln. She founded the CONTRABAN ASSOCIATION
under which auspices she carried out her Negro activism – helping to free
slaves, provided them accommodation, job and sundry humanitarian assistance.
She purchased her freedom from slavery and that of the son in 1855 through the
proceeds of her lucrative business as a renowned seamstress with the clientele of
the society ladies in Washington DC. She died in May 1907. She was a seamstress
activist, author, a philanthropist, above all a personal friend of Mrs. Mary
Tobbs Lincoln, wife of the sixteen president of America – himself an
She was survived
by an only son. Her personal parents was not ascertainable like Frederick
Douglas and other children born into slavery where the real mother was
separated from the child a month or two after birth and they consequently adopt
the name of their owner as surnames.
v Gabriel Prosser
Was a literally
blacksmith who planned a revolution in 1800 at Richmond. The massive black
revolution was leaked and he was declared wanted alongside other black
activists and a staging price of $250,000 (Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Us
Dollars) placed on him. He was later caught and condemned to death by hanging.
Executed with him were twenty five other Negro activists he earned. He was born
in 1776 – the year of American independence in Henrico court, Richmond Virginia
and was executed on the 10th of October, 1800. He was actually born
on the Tobacco farm of Thomas Prosser his slave master which shows that Prosser
was not his surname and he was so identified. His master – Prosser died two
years earlier leaving the farm to his son about the same age with Gabriel and
that gave Gabriel the opportunity to plot the revolution using the farm it
could also be that the son of his master was the one that leaked the plan of
the revolution which was assess as massive and blood if successful. He was
twenty four when he led the march of armed fifty slaves in Richmond, Virginia.
His ultimate ambition was to create an independent black state in Virginia.
v Dr. William Edward Burghardt Du Bois
Dr. William Edward Burghardt Du Bois otherwise known
as Dr. WEB Du Bois was an American Sociologist, Socialist, Pan Africanist,
historian, civil right activist, author and writer. He was in the forefront of
the war against racial discrimination and champion of Negro rights. He wrote
several books to challenge the weld treatment of Negroes in the American
society where the black skin was contemptuous. He highlighted the equality of
all human beings and had to prove that of all races black women stood out as
the best bred and stood as example to women of all races in America,
notwithstanding the hardship she had to contend with. He was known for his
books titled – The souls of the black folks, Black Reconstruction, the crisis.
He was educated at the prestigious Harvard University in 1895 and Humboldt University
of Berlin between 1892 to 1894 etc. he was born on 23rd February
1868 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts United states and died on 27th
day of August 1963 in Accra Ghana. He was disenchanted with the unrepentant
hateful attitude of the white man – himself a white man and pitted his tent
amongst the black folks hence changing his nationality from United States of
America to Ghana. He died a Ghanaian in 1963 and was buried in Accra Ghana as
the height of his solidarity with Africa and the black man.
He was an ally
of great Pan Africanist the number one of whom was Dr. Kwame Nkrumah – the
first president of Ghana. He could aptly be described as a black man in white’s
man skin. He was born a full bred white America but close to die a black man.
He was also a close friend of Dr. Booker T. Washington, another Pan Africanist,
Ida B. Wells, Marcus God veils etc. He found several rights organizations
including NIAGARA MOVEMENT, NAACP. He broke up with Booker T. Washington who
was a moderate Pan Africanist and adviser to several presidents of America.
Black activism
is the struggle of the black man to reposition himself for global relevance
after his survival of slavery and its brother colonialism. It was a rave that
took off in the continent of America and spread across the world where there
was black presence. The objective of this movement in the main was to rebut the
Western propaganda against the black man to say no to the recurrence of the
evils of slavery, slave trade and colonialism and redeem African nations still
struggle to rid itself foreign rule by rendering all possible assistance to
achievement that goal.
There were some
keens of black movement, those who struggle individually or collectively to see
that the black man nations across the world redeemed themselves from the
impediments placed on the path of the black towards itself realization. It
would be extremely difficult to list the entire black activists in a single
chapter in a book like this, but few names dropped her to remind us of the
deluge of personalities from America and Africa who played major roles in the
struggle for the black man’s self determination. Marcus, Garvey, Dr. Martin
Luther King Jnr, Jesse Jackson, Andrew Young, Malcolm X, John Johnson Dr.
Nnamdi Azikiwe, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Dr. Julius Nyerere, Dr. Joseph Kaunda etc.
The above named black activists were part of the freedom fighters that were the
bedrock of the Pan Africanist movement that were in most cases called the Negro
activists or black activists depending on the choice of words or the
jurisdiction from where they operated though with African emancipation as the
focal point. There were local traditional rulers who tent their weights to the
cause of the freedom of the black foreign domination – imperialism or
colonialism. She must remember Asante hence of Ashanti Ghana, then Gold coast,
Oba Overemi of Bini Jaja of Opobo, Nana of Itsekiri, Kano orji of Arochukwu etc.
The traditional rulers on different events fought the white men’s encroachment
and assault on their kingdoms respectively. Most of them were either dethroned
and exiled or even killed.
The incidences
that followed the white man’s annexation of some kingdoms were resisted by
gallant warlike traditional rulers in Africa though the superior fighting
fireworks of the whit man prevailed and Africa watched her sons and daughters
carted away into slavery and of later years when they came back as colonialist,
subjugated as the conquered and colonized peoples.
The Pan Africanist
both home and in disporal could be bracketed into two – modern and ancient. The
modern Pan Africanist are those black men and women who still struggle to rid
Africa or dark men across the world of known impediments, physical or
psychological that still holds the black man from achieving his goals or that
thing that rubs him of his self esteem. There are plenty unsung heroes realm,
can I say those whose Pan Africanist spirits are get yet to be observed. In the
second group and the known Pan Africanist, the grandfathers and grandmothers of
the African struggle both at home African in dispora. Those in this category
are those our history books reecho their words and names from generation to
generation those who designed the platform upon which the modern generation black
activists operation. As said earlier, history books in Africa, America or any
other place there is black concentration are replete with such names. Every
generation of black man would have heard of Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Martin
Luther King Jnr, Jesse Jackson etc. The roll call would not leave out those
sports men and women that make statement for the black race through their
sporting skills like Jesse Owen, Pele Mohammed Ali etc. They demonstrated their
skills to tell the white man that there is something special in the black skin.
They forced the racists to rethink about their assumption that there is nothing
good about the black man. I would like to remember somebody like Michal Jackson
that took the Pop world by surprised though not a known cover of the black skin
or the black race. For these who made their statements for the black man with
their musical skills, we must remember all the reggae musicians across the
world especially Bob Nestar Marley and the Wailers. Eddy Grent, Peter Tosh,
Burning spear U – Roy, Yellow man and several others too numerous to remember
and put down in this small piece. There are several black men and women who
demonstrated love and respect for their black skin in their different fields of
human endeavors apart from the above listed. If no small importance was the
role played by Opral Winphrey – a female black television presenter who walked
a white man out of her programme because he maligned the black race while
speaking as a special guest on her show. She would not resist the black spirit
in her when such occasion arose on that fateful day. With that singular, Oprah
Winphrey booked her name into the hall of fame as such black activist and Pan
Africanist of evergreen memory.
John Jackson,
like Marcus Garvey and the numerous Negro activists who championed the cause of
the black man through their private publishing firms, established the EBONY
Magazine, which he used as he lived to make cases for the black race. The
choice of the name of magazine alone speaks volumes of his black activism. We cannot
go on and on listing because it is endless.
Another group of
people that played a role that laid the foundation for the later agitation of
the black man for self determination and the relevance were the ABOLITIONISTS.
This group was only interested in abolishing the evil trade in human beings
known as slave trade. This group was initially peopled with white humanists who
believed that the black man was also a human being and deserves some respect as
such and never to be maltreated and subjected to have any kind of dehumanity.
movement was a movement between the 17th and 20th
centuries when white people felt that it was wrong to treat the black man the
way he was treated. This initial feeling when a Pope issued a Papal decree
against the enslavement of human being by another human being. You can recall
that it was through a seminar decree by Pope Nicholas V that Africa was
enslaved and colonized. Pope Nicholas in 1452 authorized Portugal to enslave
and colonized Africa.
In a similar
vein, Pope Alexander VI issued another decree authorizing Spain and Portugal to
colonize, convert and enslave the continent of America in 1493. It could be
said that the said dehumanization of Africa took its root in the Papal
permission to Portugal to so behave. There was slavery in Europe before and
during the medieval period which gave way some elements started against it for
its inhumanity. There came a twist that replaces the enslavement of fellow
Europeans with the enslavement of Africa. The proposal was presented to the
pope – Pope Nicholas V who perhaps did not understand what the entire packages
being presented to him by the king of Portugal – Alfonsop which means the Pope
was tricked into making the authorization.
Three years
later, in 1455, another Papal bull was issued to show it was not by accident
that Muslims (Saracens) and the pagan Africans must be conquered and enslaved. For
Christianity to be planted, a situation that turned out to be a permission to
Portugal to plant slavery instead of Christianity, for which it was still
believed that Portugal was a self serving mission and not for Christianity sake.
Even when it was also ordered that baptized Christians could not be enslaved,
Africans were still enslaved for which there growing resentment in Europe of
slavery and slave trade by some humanitarians as a backup of which some puritan
Christians came together and founded Abolitionist movement.
Wilberforce was known as the father of abolitionism but there were others
before him who actually propelled him into action to bring political coloration
into it as Wilberforce was a member of the British Parliament. John Newton was
one of the earliest abolitionists who encouraged William Wilberforce and his
group of abolitionists. Remember John Newton was that energy man, hymn
composer, slave ship captain. The popular hymn called AMAZING GRACE. Though a
good Christian but not know he was a sinner by getting involved in the slave raids
on Africa coast. He was part of the European Christians who did not know that
enslaving Africans was a sin. Those who did not know that Africans are equally
created in the image and likeness of God as they were not thought human enough.
On one of his voyages, a storm beset them in the high sea which was so
turbulence that he thought he could not make it alive to share, but the
Almighty God saved him and he vowed never to get involved in the ignoble trade.
He wrote the song to appreciate the saving grace of God that a wretched sinner
like him enjoyed. Get a copy of the hymn for the detailed wording of the hymn –
In the group of
William Wilberforce were the likes of Thomas Clarkson, Granville Sharp, Olauda
Equino, Romilly, Frederick Douglas, John Brown, Prosser, Robert Purvis,
Elizabeth Keckley etc. of special note is Spencer supremacists because of his
anti slavery posture, Abraham Lincoln – the assassinated 16th
president of United States of America, john Bull – condemned to death by
hanging America because of his bloody attack on a ferry in furtherance of his
abolitionist spirit, Prosser – a young slave boy that staged a coup to
establish black only state in the United States of America who was condemned
with 150 other slaves youths to die by hanging. Abolitionists did a wonderful
work to see that slavery was finally put to rest above the world. I am very
sorry I don’t have to mention all the dramatis personae in this chapter as some
of them mentioned fully in the preceding chapter appropriately titled to give
pride of place or honour to whom honour was due. I crave the indulgence of our
heroes the abolitionists whom my failing memory could not allow me to remember
or those whom for space constraints could not be noted here, I assure them that
sooner or later they receive their own ovations as the heroes they were and
would continue to be wherever and whenever situation calls for that. I lay a
wreath in their cenotaph as the great heroes and heroines or our great black
As the heroes
and the stallions you fought, wounded and host your lives to make those
statements that stood the test of time. There were Prime Ministers in Britain
but Spencer Perceival stood out as a martyr Prime Minister for justice.
There were
presidents in America but Abraham Lincoln stood out as that president Martyred
for racial equality, that president martyred freedom and live of humanity and
martyred also to realize the American catchword – God’s own country where the
holy fear of God is in practice.
America and
Europe were the theatres of both black activism and abolitionism. It would be a
worthwhile exercise. Comparing black activism and abolition of slave trade and
slavery is like comparing Siamese twin. The Siamese twin looked alike almost in
all ramifications that they even conjoined for love of one another. As I said earlier,
it would make a worthy exercise dissecting them for the purposes of the journey
of discovery or better still as an academic exercise.
Black activism
and abolitionism are two movements that targeted the freedom of the black man
from servitude and imperialism. They came at two different periods each holding
out the zeal or desire to do good before God and before man when the world was
made free of man or race on another as superior or inferior whereas before God
they were created equal in dignity and right.
The proponents
of the two movements operated at the cost of their own blood as some lost their
lives in the course of doing that6 which they chose to achieve their desired
objective, to say they paid supreme prices for their avowals as either black
activists or as abolitionists.
Going to jail
was a daily occurrence as a Negro activist or as an abolitionist. They were
framed up and put to jail to bridle their dexterity or foolhardiness. They were
both categorized as outlaws in their respective societies for trying to upturn
what seemed traditional practices – enslaving the black man or colonizing his
They shared the
attributes as the best brains and people of means that would not be acting for
selfish ambitions. They used their private press, money, position or other
personal possessions for this purpose. In some cases losing their businesses
and other possession as sacrifices for their chosen cause or causes (walk activism
or abolitionism, in some cases both). As said earlier lose their lives as well.
Abolitionism and
black activism operated in the form of a relay race as one seemed to have
handed the baton over to the other. Abolitionists were of older generation in the
struggle that bear the abortion of slavery, slave trade before those who came
out to fight for an additional welfare for the black man. Both fought for
universal suffrage and loved to be called the suffragists. The suffragists may
either be part of the abolitionists or the Negro activists who sought for equal
voting rights.
played a prominent role in the two. While the abolitionists received the
initial prompting from Christianity as the entire humanists that gathered to
form the abolitionists society were Christians who wanted a European cum world
society where freedom from servitude prevailed, the black activists themselves
were Christians who also wanted an atmosphere of love and human dignity as well
for the black man and black nations across the world. Because the proponents of
abolitionism were emboldened in the first place by the Papal Bull issued by Pope
John III condemning the former bulls that authorized enslavement by previous
Pope on which the enslavers acted to commit the mayhem through slavery, slave
trade and colonization. The same Christian spirit emboldened such Pastors like
Martin King Jnr, Jesse Jackson etc who were central in black activism. In the
same vein churches and other Christian organizations lent their voices to both
abolitionism and Negro activism. The role of the Quaker’s Society of Friends
fell into such Christian Organizations effort mentioned above. The Papal Bulls
of 1741 mentioned above which was issued by Pope Paul III put a stop to a lot
of Christian conspiracies in the oppression, enslavement and colonization by
Europe and once more restored Christianity as religion that named the name of
In an effort to
contract the two, that is bringing out the difference as there is bond to those
things that differentiate abolitionism and black activism, it is proper we
peruse the two once again to pick or single out those areas of divergence in
the stand point of the two, which maybe few. The first area of divergence
between the two is that the abolitionists were mainly white me who were only
interested in stopping slavery and slave trade that may not have time for
extraneous activities of the black or Negro activists.
abolitionists were humanitarians and acted strictly on humanitarian grounds
while the black activists may have added political motivations in their
activism. Black activists being ranged from education, employment, health,
political positioning of the black man etc.
developed as an act of sympathy for the black man which flowed from the case of
James Somerset, a runaway slave boy whose travail in slavery evoked the concern
of Williams Wilberforce and others like Thomas Clarkson, Granville Sharp etc
who took up the gauntlet to fight against slavery while the black activist were
in the struggle for self redemption as they were all black people whose destinies
– black and they abolitionists society was made up of people of all races –
black and white while the block activists were only black men.
Abolitionists hung their boots and sheeted their swords when slavery and slave
trade were abolished while that period became very important to the black
activists as they must march on to do for themselves what no other peoples and
people could not do for them, as the black men they were. Black activism picked
the baton from abolitionists and marched forward with some black abolitionists,
who then were getting old and weak to operate with the same enthusiasm and
energy they showed in their early abolitionists’ days. In most cases they were
consulted for their fatherly advice that sustained the young activists. So much
work was there for the Negro activists in term of encouraging the black folks
to acquire education at all costs. They also fought against colour bars in the
society. They struggled to abolish racial discrimination in schools against the
black man who was not allowed to attend the same schools attended by white
children of their age. To achieve the Negro education at all costs, the black
leaders established schools of equivalent status to make sure black children
received sound education. Primary, secondary and universities were established
to feed the academic needs of black children in all the black settlements.
As pointed out
Garvey and his fellow black leaders made it a priority to spot out any area of
Negro interest and apply their weights to them. Thus was in the main, the gamut
of black activism in the continent of America and beyond. The right to vote and
be voted for which Luther to elude the black man an America was seriously
addressed, taking as an elixir the opportunity created by Abraham Lincoln when
he declared liberty in every sphere of life in America an inalienable right
that attached to any American as soon as he or she was born.
Black Africans
also enjoyed the scholarship grants of the Universal Negro Improvement
Association, through which they studied overseas, came down to Africa to exact
self determination from colonial masters which the black activists up
spearheaded themselves. Africa and the entire black world would always be
grateful to those Pan Africanist who had this worthwhile reasoning.
They did not
stop at that, they put programmes in place that reoriented the black man
towards being the black skin as veritable instead of rejection, dejection and
The acronym –
black is beautiful became a catchword for every black man and woman all over
the world. African pride was the crux of the Pan Africanist message which only
the black activists could preach. No one expected it to part of the areas the
abolitionists could care about, nevertheless their interest, redeeming the
black man from the clutches of slavery, slave trade and sundry racial
There was
discrimination according to colour, even in core Christian activities as black
people were not supposed to attend the same church with the white showing there
was also colour bar in the churches and only the black activists could force
themselves into being allowed into churches reserved for white men, of course
the bible says we are one before God. To avoid being disgraced out of colour
bar churches, black Christian denominations emerged to take care of the
spiritual needs of the black man. Could this disunity be expected even amongst
the said children of God? As if there is colour bar in heaven? In heaven, as in
the presence of God, there is no colour bars. Everyone is as radiant as the angels,
with HALLELUYA as the only heavenly language. Only the black activists would
achieve the right mindset for the black man and not the abolitionists.
No matter how
much the abolitionists wanted the black man to be freed from slavery; they would
not want to shortchange their white race because everything that affected the
white race affected them fundamentally. Only the black man could fight
frontally to defend himself and not the white abolitionists, with the
exceptional cases of the few that paid the supreme price in furtherance of
their abolitionist spirits.
The abolitionists have come and gone while the
black activists still struggle till date, as long as the very injustice of the
white man against the black persists, as long as the black skin is still
treated with disdain. The celebrated case of George Floyd is an instant
example. The same Floyds case showed as that there are white people who still
swear the cloak of abolitionism. Some world citizens do not mind colour or
Greed but believe that a human being is a human no matter the colour of his
skin, the language he speaks or from which angle he worships his God. Some
white men shouted in favour of the murdered Floyd but a lot of black activists
followed him to his burial ground and continued to fight his cause thereafter.
brotherhood is still alive and was shown to be so in the case of George Floyd.
There are certain things self determination as a black man could help us
achieve that which no one can do for us except the black man himself. Everyone
saw in Berlin, Germany how sheer determination helped Jesse Owen to wallop the
world of sports, especially white men when he coasted home with four gold
medals to the astonishment of the racists especially Adolf Hitler who was the
special Guest of Honour at the 1936 Summer Olympics.
That was sheer
black activism that disgraced the black haters or those who believed that the
black man was good for nothing. Only the black man can free his own mind. The
chains of the hands and legs had been broken with the help of the abolitionists
but the chains of our own minds we must break by our own selves. The reggae
master – Bob Marley said that none but ourselves shall free our own minds. The
remnant chains of the mind must go, for the total freedom of the black man.
May we not
forget the Jamaican born Pa Dudley Thompson whose man heart’s desire was to be
counted, when the roll call shall be taken. He worked hard as a Pan Africanist
and closed his eyes in death thinking of the black man. Though, Jamaican born,
he lived the major part of his life in Africa. In the year 2009 when I made my
last telephone conversation with him while he was in New York, he relished his African
experience and wish he comes back to the world again wearing his black skin.
In another vein,
the world’s heavy weight champion changed his name from Cassus Clay to Mohammed
Ali to protest Western influence and Christianity to demonstrate his Pan
Africanism. This could be called a radical Pan Africanism just as another
changed from Malcolm X to El Shabaz. In the art of self preservation, only the
black man can defend himself and the general black interest. Self preservation
is instinctual only a person can do it for himself even without knowing when he
indulges in it. Everybody demonstrates high instinctual response any moment,
any day. Even babies exhibit such innate response any moment the situation
demands it. The black man can only do it for himself and no one can – white
abolitionists could not, only the black activists could and they rose to the
occasion when the situation was detrimental to black interests and would
continue to do so.
Black activism
is a continuous exercise and all black people all over the world are enjoined
to take up the gauntlet and defend the ideals of the black race. The ancient
black people across the black world suffered and laid the foundation upon which
we must be an enviable future for the black man, such that Frederick Douglas,
Marcus Garvey, Olauda Equiano, Malcoln X and others would look back from their
graves and team up and say that’s my people. There is a clarion call going on
asking the black people all over the world to unite. Even the Black Asians who
had never identified themselves with their fellow black people single ages to
do so now. Maybe the black Asians had not been reckoned with in the past, they
are now invited on board the vessel of black activism. Wherever you are, as a
black man you are hereby called upon to show your black colour, show your faces
and be counted. You can identify as an individual, you can also identify as a
group. Your black skin is your invitation card.
Let’s unite –
lets come together to discuss the black man. The black man seems to have arrived
– black has occupied the Pentagon. Barak Obama – a black African has become the
president of United States. It is no longer asking for suffrage, the black man
can vote and be voted for in this Luis. But it is not yet Uluru. A lot needs to
be done by the black activists. No one can relent. When Jesse Jackson came out for
the position of the president of United States of America, it was laughable he
appeared funny but by that act a statement was made, a signal was sent that a
black man can brave it. Barrack Obama an African from followed suit and became
the president of United State. Try all positions. There is no harm in trying.
There is no success without venture. Let every black man raise his beautiful
head and show his handsome face in all positions. You can never tell who could
be the next Barak Obama.
Africans are taking
more position and using more political laurets in US, you can never tell when
it will be you. Black activists are still working. Join hands to lift up the
black skin. Join hands to sing black is beautiful. Join hands to lift the EBONY
strive to be the rejects stone that becomes the chief corner stone. Join hands
to lift him up where and when he falls and fails. Join hands to provide him
hope in his despair. Join hands to say with one voice and one accord – we can.
Yes we can. The black activists are working and we now have the first black
woman president of the World Trade Organization (W.T.O) f4rom the trading tribe
of Nigeria (Igbo) her name is Dr. ngozi Okonjo – Iweala. She is to manage the
world trade organization, to say she will manage the world business. Wait and
see what will happen. We shall soon say – the black man has it. The black man
that was called a good for nothing. We shall not relent maybe a black man would
be the chairman of the United Nations Security Council – a black African nation
to be in charge of the world security. The black activists are working. We are
working hard. God hear our prayers.
This chapter
titled as above could not be specially raising different issues from what has
been raised in preceding chapters of this book and my other books on the
inhumanity out to the black man but a recap. The bleeding heart of Africa owing
to the ugly past of slavery and colonialism cannot be over emphasized.
The world could
not claim obvious of the hideous and devilish acts it perpetrated and
perpetuated against the black man. History has not recorded any global
conspiracy and inhumanity against race of the world or mankind that could
equate the anguish of slavery and colonialism. The Hitler Germany genocide on
the Jews was a baby’s slap when you compare the scenario presented by the sordid
history of slave trade, especially when the former lasted for a very short
period. There is no basis for comparison. The essence
of this raises the issue of a continuing injury to the black man.
This is quagmire
humanity or mankind must come out of the world would be said to have attained
civilization. The question, which is the crux of this chapter is “how can the situation
of the black man, has arrested development which is the backdrop of slave trade
and colonialism be mitigated? Could there be a globally orchestrated effort to
pull the black man out of the pit he was clutched by Europe, America and the
entire world?
To show that
what happened to the black man was a global wickedness, I must point out that
at the period of this Trans Atlantic slave trade, the Arab were also committing
their own onslaught in what was termed
Trans Sahara Slave Hunt through numerous Saharan Slave Caravans through the
Sahara desert route from Africa to Saudi Arabia. The black Africans captured by
the Arab slave hunters were chained and whip driven through the torturous
journey from Western Sudan, through North Africa to Saudi Arabia.
The European
slave raiders came from the Atlantic Coasts, the Arab slave raiders came from
the Sahara Desert both with their heinous selfish slave grabbing – Instincts.
Ironically both came with foreign religion each projecting the love of God. The
European Christianity preached Christ and the Almighty God while Arabs preached
Islam, Mohammed and his Allah. They came with these religions to embellish the
monumental crime they committed against the black man, the excruciating pains
they meted out to Africa and the immitigable they plunged her into.
Christian Europe
told us they knew the true God, Muslim Arab told us that their Allah was our
only hope. How could we not doubt all these when they made us pass through hell
on earth? How could we believe the heaven they promised us when they made us
pass through hell on earth?
They were cheats
– they cheated us, they were bullies – they bullied us. How could we fear
another Satan in hell when the Satans that made us pass through hell on earth
are still here with us, though preaching salvation? Perhaps saving us from the
hell fire they dumped us into on this earth or the hell fire thereafter. The
best assurance to the black man of salvation thereafter is to mitigate the
present hell fire they have placed the black man. I am not bounding atheistic,
for we believe and behaved in the Almighty God in Africa, neither am I against
for I was brought up as a Christian and a true believer but bemoaning the past,
present or the anticipated Satanism meted out to the black man by the entire
world. While our holy books enjoin us to forgive, the same holy book would tell
them to mitigate their injustice by way of restitution, hence African’s call
The League of Nations met in Germany at the
instance Otto Bismark – the German chancellor between 1884 and 1885 and
officially divided Africa amongst European nations and that started the
European journey of colonization of Africa. Prior to the latest development,
Africa had been invaded by European nations in search of slaves. It is on
record that Pope Nicholas VI ordered the European enslavement of Africa in the
year 1452 through a Papal Bull. The permission was issued to the king of
Portugal to conquer, convert and enslave the black people of Africa adjudged to
be pagans and the Saracens (the Muslim population of the area). Though the
Papal permission was abused and misinterpreted which occasioned the inhumanity
meted out to Africa during slave trade.
In another vein,
another Papal Bull issued by Pope Alexander V to both Spain and Portugal to
conquer and enslave the Americans affected the black man who was already under
the painful aftermath of the Papal Bull of 1452 issued by Pope Nicholas VI
constituting double jeopardy for the black man that was already enslaved and
sent to plantations and labour sites in America. Such Papal Bull to conquer and
enslave America was issued in 1493 which laid the foundation for mayhem in
Americas called slavery which brought an untold hardship on the black people of
America. The black man in America was the slave of the slaves, which became so
self evidence when Americas got their independence; they in turn held the black
people in chains, thereby perpetuating their servitude. I said that the black
man became the slave of slaves as pertain and some European nation that
experienced slaveholding did not order that the blacks in America would also be
free in 1776 that United States of America became independent.
Head or tail, it
was the black man that bore the pains of slavery in both Europe and America.
They later protested and fought the Negro war of Independence and with the help
of Abraham Lincoln secured their freedom in 1865. The Negro freedom was not to
be as the black man still suffered discrimination in the land that was taunted
as the land of freedom. Black man was said to be free but up till now he
suffers one discrimination, deprivation had humiliation or the other. The
recent case of George Floyd was a living example. He was a black man murdered
by a white police man on the trump up charge or allegation that he was
purchasing from a shop with a fake twenty dollar bill. Though the law later
took its course and the policeman was sentenced to death by a court, it does
not show that justice is there for a black man in America.
Europe from the
sea, Arabs from the desert each struggle to exploit or take their best out of
Africa thereby inflicted the greatest pains known to mankind on her. No one
came to her rescue. The good, the bad and the ugly of the universe and of
mankind joined hands to stifle life out of the black man and Africa the
continent of his origin. Can the world unite as it united in Berlin in Germany
between 1884 and 1885 to share Africa among themselves to solve the very
problem they created, which has set Africa on edges? Can the world, especially
Europe and America be sorry and start doing something to pay back Africa? The
quantum of damage done to the psyche of Africa can never be imagined but the
world would start paying or can I say, doing something to show they are ready
to ask Africa for forgiveness? Africa was under developed by Europe when her
human and material resources were stolen away to Europe and America thereby
milking the continent of the black man dry, raping and leaving her bare to lick
her own wound.
There is one
question that busy my mind which is “when shall the black man be free of any
encumbrances? When shall the black man be said to be free in the time sense of
the word? Is there anything loathsome under the black skin? I know there is
everything positive under the black skin. There is every reason to be happy
being black which the white skin cannot boast of. Are we hated out of phobia?
Is black phobia the underlying factor? There is everything great under the
black skin which the non black world has been in conspiracy to dampen.
I have personally
counseled the black people that feel so sad about how hateful the world appears
when any issue pertains to the black man. I have always told them that if there
is nothing great about the black skin, the world in one accord would not bother
to dampen him. It is only a tree with worthy fruits that children cast their
stones upon. The greatness of the black man has been suppressed so that the
real and glorious black man would be a still birth. For sure the black man must
arrive no matter the interoperations and down pressing attitude of the white
man, not every white man, not the offspring and their likes of those
abolitionists who put their lives at state to stop the ugly incidents of the
slavery era.
We remember
their whips, we remember their chains, we feel their pains and the pains
continue unabated and say we are sorry” to the black man. We also remember how
the least disobedience at the slave sites took the black slaves to the
guillotine. Ironically this was happening at the time the white man was
preaching the sanctity of human blood and inability of human life, which left
thinkers ask “does black life not matter?” Was black life not matter when the
Christianity condemned and still condemns killing of one by another? Did God
not require the blood of Abel from Cain? Does the blood a black man not speak
before God? The world outlook about the black man must change if the world
would be a better place for all. The world would be as God created it to be if
I should be judged not by the colour of my skin but by whom I am, and my
righteousness or wrongness, not predicated on my racial disposition or
inclination by them we know paradise has once again come down to the earth. The
recurrent question is “when shall the black man be counted as a universal human
citizen worthy of respect?, the respect he truly deserves, devoid of favourism
or position he never earns.
When shall the
whips that dropped and left blisters on the back of our ancestors cease to drop
on our backs metaphorically or the chains that held them loose their grip on us
as we look forward to the total freedom of the black man from enslavement and
colonialism, then our pains would vanish and our tears wiped away forever. We
look forward to the black man truly joins the global partnership for a better
mankind. The litany of the European inhumanity to the black man is endless but
one of the most striking is the hidden ritual the early explores – the Portuguese
and Spaniards did during their sea fairing voyage of discovery. The story based
on a revelation that early explores when they navigated the Atlantic Ocean and
likes sacrificed a lot of black people to the sea goddesses. The story went
that such early explores came to Africa, took hold of the black fishermen or
any other person they could catch within the ocean view and whisk them away,
not only as slaves but as objects of sacrifice with storms and frightening
appearances, can I say apparitions that in most cases required human sacrifices
to assuage. Being conversant with such events the Portuguese, Spaniards and
other ancient seafarers or explorers as they loved to be called embarked on
their journeys handy with black captives they could sacrifice to appease the
queen of the coast. That was first dastardly thing they did against the black
man, an incidence that was closely followed by slave ordeals at the slave
sites. The reported scenario preceded the Middle Passage, which evident during
the Trans Atlantic Slavery expeditors proper Western history had deliberately
covered this scenario but nothing is hidden under the sun. it may be hidden,
but temporarily, but time and chance would definitely reveal it, if not to the
particular generation but to another.
The black man
was indeed an object of ridiculously unbelievable sea human sacrifices. What a shame,
they never sacrificed their crew members but the black captives as if the sea
goddesses in a special way enjoyed the blood of the black man.
In a follow up
event, they used the black man as a landmark to show they were there. In their
usual practice, the early explorers would drop some number of black men in some
dreadful Islands either for territorial occupation or as evidence of having
been there.
Remember, one of
the intendments of the Papal Bull of discovery is that you occupy and own where
you discovered. This was part of the reasons Portugal and France stampeded
America and the other worlds after the Papal bull of 1493 that saw the conquest,
enslavement and colonization of the continent of America etc. This Papal bull,
as I explained earlier closely followed the Papal Bull of 1452 that authorized
the invasion, enslavement and colonization of Africa. Such ignominious past or
monumental neglect of the black man by the entire world has not departed the
perception of Christianity, Islam and other religious bodies have not fully
accepted the black man as a joint heir in the kingdom of God.
The Christianity
has unquestionable discriminated against the black man in the leadership of
churches like Catholic, Anglican etc until the black man, silence protest,
savioured or rediscovered himself in PENTICOSTALISM. No black man has ever been
a Pope, yet there are many in the College of Cardinals from where Popes are
selected. Have you ever asked why no black man had leaded the Church of England
as its Archbishop – such that stays in Canterbury? Islam is not left out as
Mecca will not till the end of the world have a black man that controls the
Islamic world. They still see the black man as that slave that was driven away
in slave caravan through the desert to Saudi Arabia or the black man whom a
Papal order says should be conquered and enslaved as a pagan.
If there is no
equality between the black and white in the house of God, where will the dictum
“everybody is equal in the presence of God be practiced? The religious
organizations believe in George Orwell’s claim in his book ANIMAL FARM that all
animals are equal but some are more equal that the others. I do not mean to
affect your facts or urge you to make a detour from your religious vows. I urge
good not to relent in looking unto God for He is the author and finisher of
your faith. Black man must survive.
To the world
body, it is time to think REPARATION. It is time not to think continuing the
injury of the black man. It is time for global atonement for the primordial’s
the black – a time to say to Africa and her black sons and daughters that you
are sorry for the wickedness of our ancestors who dehumanized dispossessed and
undeveloped you in our ancestors. It is time to cry publicly to God for
forgiveness. It is time to stoop and drop your tears on the feet of every black
man whom the actions of your ancestors against their ancestor have had grave
consequences on their psyche and proper growth – socially, economically etc.
The world would
act fast to blot out the bitterness in the heart of the black man. Having
rummaged a volume in search of the true story behind slavery, slave trade and
colonialism and much talked about Papal conspiracy in the ordeal of the black
man hereunder draw our conclusion. In our voyage of discovery, we also perused
documents to ascertain the veracity of the similar incidences in the continent
of America Vis - a Vis colonization and enslavement aboriginal peoples of the
continent. Both histories seemed close but for the fact that one race suffered
more than the others in events that unfolded as a result of the dastardly
implication of slavery and colonialism.
Yes, we saw the veracity
of the story of Papal involvement in the enslavement of Africa and the Americas
but could not holistically agree with the accusers of the Papal because from my
unbiased influence based on the documents from the correctives, it wasn’t
really the pope but the avaricious Europe. I agree that everything revolved the
papal bulls of 1452 and 1493. In the bull of 1452 it is self evident that Pope
Nicholas V issued permission to Portugal and her Monarch – king Alfonso to
enslave, convert and colonize the Muslim Africans (the Saracens) in a disputed
area and the so-called pagans of Africa. The essence was to convert them to
Christianity but the Portuguese took it so far, just like the Papal Bull of
1493 by Pope Alexander VI also issued permission Spain and Portugal to
colonize, enslave and convert the Americans which was also abused, not merely
misinterpreted. The exoneration of the Papacy became obvious especially when
another Pope – Paul III in 1741 issued a counter bull repudiating the former on
the grounds that it was wrong to colonize and enslave people – removing the
right of the indigenous people to their land. He apologized to the aboriginal Americans,
the Indians and others who suffered similar fate elsewhere.
From continued actions
of Christianity in lading abolitionist struggles and pronouncements, the birth
of abolitionism became obvious to cushion the ugly effect. The church continued
to show remorse and apology up to 1985 when Pope John Paul II widely apologized
to Africa for slavery and colonization, which was a pointer to the church
continued remorse.
If Pope Nicholas
V and Alexander VI issues the bulls to authorize slavery and colonialism and
Europe yield and held unto them, why did Europe not withdraw in 1741 when Pope
Paul III issued a counter bull? The kings and peoples of Europe would take the
blames for their a variance and inventively. Even amongst the enslaved
wickedness abound. While America was celebrating her independence, the whites
were plotting a continued enslavement of the black man who paid his due in the
American war of independence, who was also promised freedom as a result of such
involvement in the war. The black man had to fight another war to be free.
United States gained her independence in 1776 and the black man fought again to
be free in United States and with the help of Abraham Lincoln became
independent at last, in 1863 almost a century Britain granted them
Independence. What a dog – eating dog attitude, slavery, slave trade and
colonialism were evil and roundly condemnable.
It is the black
man that is still the worst for it and us in Africa on behalf of every black
man demand for reparation for the heinous crime of slavery and colonization.
Join the African
Reparations Movement – Join us to make a case for the black man.
Follow our links
to find how.
surely played a significant role in the abolition of slave trade as most of the
abolitionists’ humanitarians had Christian backgrounds, notwithstanding the
fact that Papal primogeniture was the basis of global slave trade. During the
era that could be summed up as the era of Papal recklessness, a lot of things
were credited to the Popes which were imprint able which bored a hole in the
principles of Papal infallibility.
organized and executed by the Popes as part of the unchristian Christianity.
Those reckless excesses of Popes during the Middle age in Europe where the
Almighty Popes conquered and subjected the human race all in the names of God.
As said earlier such excesses could be excused because those Popes felt they
were doing them for God as those actions were generally taken in the guise of
promoting or spreading the word of God and the teaching of His Son our Lord
Jesus Christ. It is obvious that medieval European Christians in particular
veered away from the standard Christian principles into mundane activities like
world politics and manorial conquests perhaps thinking they were enthroning the
kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven in line with “Our Lord’s prayer” I
earlier called this misconception IGNORANCE on the part of the Medieval Pope
who they thought they were doing them for God, more so when so Popes were not
actually called into the Vineyard of God.
Some Popes
ascended the Papacy as a matter of inheritance, not through the ordination of
the Almighty God. The examples of such Pope were the Pope in his twenties who
also ordained an eleven year old as a Bishop. That scenario was the height of
Papal recklessness, especially when the kid Pope was reportedly a drunk and whoremonger,
who incidentally was said to loses his life when he was attacked by a husband
who caught him red handed with his wife. He was adjudged the most notorious
Pope ever lived. Such a Pope definitely was a faraway from the known Christian
principles as laid down by Christ himself. What can anyone expect of the eleven
years old boy he ordained as Bishop? Age and inexperience joined hands to rob
them of expected Christian wisdom, care bar and decorum.
This chapter
UNCHRISTIAN CHRISTIANITY gets its eloquence in this and similar situations.
Church lands were said to be allotted to mistresses by the Pope thereby setting
immorality on the front burns. The reason for going this far is to show what
unchristian Christianity could do and excuse core Christian principles from the
excesses of medieval Christianity or exculpate followers of Christ from slavery
and colonialism and blame them on idiotic idiosyncrasies of respective Pope:
invariably casting further doubts on the sanctimonious Papal infallibility. If
some Popes could behave like this, without recourse to morality and the gamut
of Christian principles what excuse can anyone or people expect from the church
for the Papal Bulls that authorized the invasion, enslavement and colonization
of African, America and peoples of the world by Europe’s particularly Papal
Bulls of 1452 and 1493.
Because peoples
or races were pummeled into accepting the then strange religion, they did so as
conquered peoples, nursing grudges that one day they would be free and be able
to drop the garb of the stranger religion. The religion of their oppressors to
quickly recline to the religions of their forefathers – the religions of their
births. This accounted for the earlier loathsomeness or resistance to the early
missionaries especially those that came to Africa and Asia. As a backup of the
asphyxiating inhuman situation black people found themselves in the hands of
slave hunters that were christened explorers, Africans of old who were abreast
of the heartlessness of earliest invaders, the subsequent white men that came
in the guise of missionaries were met with savagery by the black people of the
era. Even the mosquitoes and other natural elements like the scotching sun and
the attendant heat joined hands to make Africa the white man’s grave yard.
deterred, the missionaries themselves did a lot of unchristian things to beat
the black man into line. He succumbed and became an unwilling subject cum
forced convert. The subject matter of this chapter – PERIOD OF UNCHRISTIAN
CHRISTIANITY could not be exhausted considering the liturgy of monumental
inhumanity by the early Christianity and its leadership, beginning with the
Popes and his agents – that came with the Bible in one hand and gun in the
other causing blood of resistant Africans to flow as they stood the grounds to
say OUR PAPA’S LAND – This is our Papa’s Land.
The subdued
ancient Africans particularly, followed the white man’s religion and
subsequently looked upon the fellow Africans who were still in agitation as
Satanic. Those who were beaten into line had no alternatives of their own
religion which was then condemned as evil. The secret infusion of local worship
system with the alien Christianity brought, as it were, so much unchristianity
into the Christian religion for which the world especially Africa presently
suffer from what I call the Voodoo Christianity, a far cry from the laid down
rule of worship by Christi himself or his immediate followers or the Apostles
that were direct heirs of the Christian precepts. The wickedness of the
unchristian Popes down to the colonial agents that came as missionaries left
bare the intendment of Christ as handed down to his Apostles.
The Voodoo
Christianity which I mentioned in the foregoing is a worrisome phenomenon in
Christendom. The African native doctors found it more fashionable to transform
into Pastors with African magic as the sources of their Christian powers for
miracles, signs and wonders. Such unchristian Christianity is what I also call
Voodoo Christianity. Come to think of it, what can anyone expect of a people
whose traditional religions were submerged by alien religion which called such
traditional religion practices heathen, satanic and illicit? A rude shock is
that those things ancient Christianity abolished are currently the bedrock of
the nascent Pentecostalism and the white or red garment churches. The above
mentioned were the inevitable alternative to a people whose traditional
religious practices were entrapped or subsumed.
They hide under
the white man’s Christianity to practice the abolished black man’s religion, in
an admixture that I earlier called unchristian Christianity or Voodoo
Christianity. African religious practices are rediscovering themselves, can I
say, rearing their ugly or otherwise heads in what can now see in the present
Christianity, where money and quest for power hold swore instead of the usual
call for salvation of souls as taught by Christ himself. Let us not forget that
Christianity in Africa and the world as a whole. The blame for this decadence
is largely at the doorstep of medieval Popes and their European Christian foot
soldiers – the missionaries.
The essence of
this chapter is not to condemn Christianity but absolve her of medieval
ignorant acts which could be said to be due to the overzealous desire to promote
Christianity, win, can I say, conquer peoples and souls for Christ. The
scripture says “on the day of ignorance, God overlooks” Based on the above
scripture. Africa and the black world would have a place in their hearts to
forgive the unchristian Christianity of medieval Europe encapsulated in the
evils of slavery and colonization, as ordered by different Popes at different
It is said in
Law that there is no offence without intention. Men’s race must be established
before condemning anyone. As said earlier, the intentions of different Popes
were to promote Christianity. The Popes or Christianity could be exculpated on
the account of genuiness of purpose, only with few exceptions like the kid
Popes that could be said to suffer from youthful exuberance. It would be out of
place for me to condemn God anointed, even if such was self anointed. It is
said that a Pope is infallible, even if the fallibility is self evident. Some
Popes have apologized to both Indians and blacks over the roles of the church
in slavery, slave trade and colonialism. Pope Paul and John Paul the second
have at different periods genuinely condemned the church and apologized to the
American – Red Indians and blacks all over the world over the unchristian roles
that were at the background of the said unchristian Christianity. The wounds seem
healed and a time to forgive is her ignorantly, the church did not see Africans
human enough to come under the purview of human equality before God: Now that
there is no Jew or Gentile in the presence of God neither is there white or
black – slave or free born as we are likewise angels before God, that do His
This could be
possible if there is no continued injury – if a black man is not hunted killed
on the basis of his colour, like in the case of George Floyd and his likes all
over the world. As much as we say “black life matters” we could by extension
say “white life matters” as well, not minding that white life has never been
under threat since the beginning of the world till date.
We have dwelt on
white on black so much without acknowledging the fact the Arabs were as guilty as
the whites over the heinous crimes of slavery and colonialism. It is
historically noted that while the Europeans had their slavery onslaught on
Africa through what was known as Trans-Atlantic slave raiding, the Arabs were simultaneously
making similar incursion through the Sahara Desert. The Arabian slave raids on
Africa, at the time the white man was raiding through the Coastal lines of
Africa, the Arabs were raiding at the same time through the Sahara Desert in
what was described as the Trans Saharan slavery raiding. The black people so
caught were exported to the Arab world in caravans. Slave caravans were notably
seen as the captured Africans – blacks, were marched across their Arab
destinations enroot the Sahara Desert. The captors were armed with darn guns,
horse whips etc. that secured the name – slave drivers to North Africa and
other Arab slave markets across the world.
While we see
slave raiding as the sin of the Europeans, it becomes obvious to spotlight the
Trans Saharan slave raiding which Hitler too had been played down by historians
Millions of black lives were also lost though the desert slave trade. While the
black man struggle to forgive and forget their pains of slavery, it becomes
expedient to also forgive our Arab brothers. We shall also forgive them even
before their apology. We have accepted their apology even before it comes if it
really comes at all.
Slavery and
colonization which were variously blamed on some Popes and Christianity were
all – comers deals. All the ancient religions had slavery and imperialism as
norms of expansionism. Apart from the associated hegemony conquests through crusades,
Jihads etc were common in religious expansionism. In Judaism, Buddhism,
Hinduism, Islam and Christianity, territorial annexation, occupation and control
were the common features of religious propagation and imperial dominance.
everything about religious involvement on Christianity would be gross
unkindness. Other religions harbored slavery as form of superiority complex
between the kings, princes, the nobles etc and the commoners referred to as
slaves. In Europe, Asia etc the institution of slavery were as old as the
nations themselves. Local slavery was part of the culture of the respective
people or races.
It is only
argued that international slavery was made possible by the Popes that ordered
the enslavement and colonization of Africa and America. Those who make this
case are obvious of the fact that Islamic Jihads were fought for both slave
taking and religious imperialism.
Hinduism and
Buddhism have position of slaves and their masters clearly spelt out. Judaism
which Christ met and was part of could also not be exculpated before Christ
came with his message of freedom from slavery.
Christianity or unchristianity practices that were the products of the
intermingling of African religious practices with Christianity could not
receive any special mention in other religions because they are natural
features of such religions.
Plural godism,
which is abominable in Christendom doesn’t matter in Hinduism where millions of
gods are recognized and worshiped. Some Islamic, Judaist etc practices that
have the similitude of African traditional worship system may have crept into
Christianity and blamed as African Voodoo Christian practices.
In trying to
discuss about unchristian Christianity, let us be careful and know that this
topic is contextually related to the practices of ancient Popes and involvement
of Christianity to the invasion, enslavement and colonization of Africa during the
medieval period, which we, Africans are poised to forgive.
Africa was
wronged in what I love to call a global conspiracy and dehumanization. All the
same we are set to forgive the world and Christendom particularly but let
history not repeat itself.
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